Birth of the Dragon Twins

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The Red Keep, King's Landing

81 AC

At dawn of the seventh day of the ninth moon, Alyssa Targaryen went into labor. She had given birth to a son, Viserys, four years ago and the midwives believed that this pregnancy would go as smooth as the last one.

After ten hours of labor, Prince Daemon Targaryen was born howling at the top of his lungs. He was born the silver-gold hair of House Targaryen, and dark purple eyes.

Alyssa struggled to see her son as the midwives cleaned him, Baelon telling her all the details of their son when she fell back with a wail of pain.

"What's wrong?" the Spring Prince demanded.

The midwife looked surprised. "I believe that there is yet another babe in your belly, Your Grace. You must push, Princess!"

Ten minutes later, Princess Rhaena Targaryen was born also screeching at the top of her tiny lungs. Like her older twin brother, she held the Valyrian coloring with a head of silver-white hair and violet eyes.

When her Uncle Aemon first held her, she bit his finger.

"The fire runs hot in these two." Aemon smiled, as he handed Rhaena back to Alyssa. The King and Queen were away on a progress, and he had sent letters to them.

"They'll be very wild then." Baelon smiled. "Just like their mother."

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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