Heir of the Day

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Italics mean's High Valyrian at this point, but this is a reminder.

Iron Throne Room, the Red Keep

112 AC

"Brother, what is the meaning of this?" Rhaena demanded. Viserys sat on the Iron Throne, holding Blackfyre in his hands.

"Did you say it?" he asked Daemon.

"Say what?" Daemon asked, rubbing sleep out of his eye.

"Heir for the Day? Did you say it, mock my dead son—"

"Viserys! We were both in our rooms this entire fucking time! Or has Otto poisoned you so much you don't even remember that we value our family, all of it, above all fucking else!?" Rhaena snapped.

"I would never mock your son, Viserys." the Prince of the City said in High Valyrian.

Viserys looked appropriately shamed. "I see that know, brother."

"What are you going to do about Otto? We can exile him on the grounds of lèse-majesté. That is not counting the over fifty times he has implied Daemon to be the next Maegor and me, his 'Black Bride!" Rhaena snarled.

"I will exile him to Oldtown. Remove his poison from this city." Viserys said firmly. "He will be gone by dawn."

The twins nodded, and left back for their apartments.

And true to his word, Otto Hightower was gone by dawn.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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