Chapter 1 - Friends

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༶•┈┈୨ 2nd Person POV ୧┈┈•༶


You dropped your arms, still clutching on to the loaf of bread, silently willing he wouldn't hurt you.

"Tch, why are you still here? Go home or something." Levi said.

Home. That word sounded so foreign to you. For years you've roamed the dark alleys, seeking refuge on doorsteps after midnight, and waking up before dawn to avoid getting caught.

"Oi, brat, did you become mute?" You snapped out of your daze and looked up at Levi.

You gulped.

"I don't have a home..." You mumbled under your breath. Your words didn't escape Levi's sharp hearing though.

You looked into his steel-coloured eyes and you saw a slight pang of guilt flash across his face. He was quick to play it off, however.

He raised an eyebrow at you. "Tch, is that so? Fine, you can come with me." He looked at you with a soft gaze, before immediately giving you a sharp look. "Don't think I'm being nice. I just can't stand ever seeing you again with filth all over you..."

Levi took your arm and lead you to where is home was. You silently trailed behind him, trying not to stumble as he walked.

⊶⊰❣⊱⊷ ~ Time skip brought to you by our sponsor Windex ~ ⊶⊰❣⊱⊷

"Welcome back bro!" A cheery voice yelled out. A young girl with red hair emerged from behind a corner of the house.

"Levi bro, who's this?" She asked curiously.

"Hm? This is Y/N. She'll be staying with us," Levi said casually.

"FARLAN! COME OUT!" The girl yelled.

A blonde haired boy walked out a few moments later.

"Quit yelling, what do you want? Who's this?" He asked, staring at you.

"That's Y/N, Levi bro said she'll stay with us!" The girl explained eagerly.

The sandy-haired boy extended his hand towards you. He shook your hand and introduced himself.

"Farlan Church. It's nice to meet you," he smiled.

"Y/N L/N," you mumbled. You weren't used to introducing yourself to people, after all nobody around bothered to spare you even a glance.

The red-haired girl grinned. "Isabel Magnolia," she said, looking you up and down, "You're pretty!"

Your cheeks flushed scarlet for a second. Nobody had ever complimented you before. You quietly uttered a thank you and turned to glance at Levi.

"Isabel, show her the spare room. She can stay here on one condition," Levi said, "She better know how to clean."

You looked at Isabel and raised an eyebrow. She burst out laughing. "Aww come on, give her a break, she's probably not used to your weird ass cleaning rituals."

You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself. You liked Isabel already, she seemed friendly and easy to get along with.

"Tch, whatever."

Isabel grabbed your wrist and dragged you towards a room.

"Here's your room! It's not much, but it's usable. Levi bro even cleans this room," Isabel said making a face, and whispered in your ear, "Don't tell him I said this, but he's a cleaning fairy."

You laughed. "I won't tell a soul."

You looked at the room. It was certainly very clean for a place in The Underground, one could only wonder how much time Levi had spent cleaning.

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