Chapter 3 - Stars and Smiles

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༶•┈┈୨ 2nd Person POV ୧┈┈•༶

The four of you stood in the changing rooms, putting on your uniforms. You slipped your arm through the jacket carefully. You buttoned up the buttons to the white collared shirt and straightened it against you.

"Y/N! How does it look?" Isabel asked excitedly.

You spun around and looked her up and down. A grin spread across your face.

"Almost perfect," you replied, reaching across to help her button a button she had missed. "Now it's perfect."

"Tch, are you guys done yet?" Levi clicked his tongue impatiently, "We're supposed to meet the other scouts outside."

You finished dusting off your pants and the four of you went outside.


"Attention, all!" The Commander of the Survey Corps commanded.

Everyone in front of you stood at attention immediately.

The Commander continued. "From today, these four will be fighting alongside you all!"

He turned to you. "Introduce yourselves!"

There was a moment of silence. You glanced at Erwin and saw that he was looking at you with a stern expression.

"The name's Levi," Levi finally spoke.

You heard gasps and murmurs coming from the scouts standing below you.

"Levi... the first thing you'll need is some goddamn discipline! Next!"

"I'm Isabel Magnolia! It's nice to meet you!" Isabel stepped forward and smiled.

Farlan saluted and introduced himself. "My name is Farlan Church."

Finally it was your turn. You took a step forward and saluted as best as you could.

"Y/N L/N," you said quietly.

"Flagon, these four will be assigned to your squad," the Commander instructed. "Look after them."

A sandy-haired man turned pale. "M- My squad, sir?" He stuttered.

The Commander raised an eyebrow and asked if he was dissatisfied, to which the Flagon hastily said he had no problems.

"But shouldn't Erwin..." He protested.

The Commander told him that Erwin was tasked with the soldiers' formation already, and that the four of you were now his responsibility.

"Is that understood?"

Flagon saluted before answering. "Yes, sir! Understood!"

You glanced at Levi quickly. He was glaring at the man.


"These are the barracks," Flagon said.

"Yay! We're all in the same room!" Isabel cheered.

Flagon turned to her and said that women have a separate section. Isabel's face fell.

"WHAT?! But I wanna stay here!" she whined.

Did she forget that you were a woman too? You thought incredulously.

Flagon ignored Isabel. "You two men will sleep here."

Levi walked towards the bunk beds and rubbed his fingers along the wood.

A bunch of dirt fell off. Levi's face darkened as he felt the dirt.

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