Dan- Chapter 8

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I can't believe that just happened. What even happened? I looked at Cali, I could tell she could see the shock in my eyes so i just hugged her. After about half an hour I felt her fall asleep. I gently picked her up from the floor, not wanting to hurt her, and walked into my room as her hands went around my neck. I saw her open her eyes and I went through the door. "Wh-where are we going..?" She didn't sound right. I didn't know what was wrong so I just placed her on the bed. She's probably just tired. Yeah that's why. I thought to myself. I hoped to myself. I was just about to walk out of the room when I heard her crying. "Cali? Cali are you okay? Do I need to take you to the hospital?" I waited for a few seconds but waiting for her to answer me but nothing but sobs came from the darkness. I turned on my amber lamp (BTW best lamp, in the world. Uh huh, that's right.) so I could see her. She was curled up in a little ball, just lying there crying. I tried calling her name but she just laid there. I walked up to the bed and climbed in on the side across from her. I tried putting my hand around her waist to pull her towards me but as soon as my hand came in contact with her she flinched vigorously so I immediately pulled away, not wanted to frighten her anymore than she already was. Eventually she stopped crying. I thought she fell asleep so I looked at her. She was facing me, her eyes closed, but no expression on her face, not even any tear marks. Then I realized she wasn't breathing. Was she crying before? What is happening? What am I suppose to do? I tried to wake her up by lightly shaking her shoulder, but she didn't move. I then shook her shoulder harder. She still didn't move "Cali! Cali wake up!" I screamed in her face. She didn't even flinch. I was freaking out now. Dan you just met her. Why do you get so attachted so easily? I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. But soon new ones came Look what you've done Dan. You've ruined everything again. You can't do anything right. You never do. I couldn't think like that right now. I had to help her. She had to be alright. I scrambled to find my phone, I picked it up with my hands still shaking uncontrollably and dialed 9-9-9 

after a few rings I heard the soothing voice of the telephone operator. 

"9-9-9 what's your emergency?"

I couldn't get any words out, I didn't know how to say it. I didn't even know what happened.

 "Hello? Are you there? Hello?" I heard her say, all I could get out was a muffled sob. I know I just met her but if anything happened to her I don't know what I would do. It would be all my fault. I could've stopped this, I could've stopped it all. If I were the one to answer the door none of this would be happening right now. 

"Sir? Are you okay? What happened?" I need to do this, for Cali.

"M-my f-friend. S-she h-hasn't woken u-up. I d-do-don't know w-what just h-h-happened." I said through stuttered words. I need to help her. She needs to be okay 

"Okay sir, can you tell me where you are right now?"

"I'm at ______ _______ flat number __" (Yeah, I'm not a stalker I don't know where they live. Sowwy) I managed to get out through less stuttered words.

"Okay sir, the ambulance is on there way right now. Stay on the line with me and I will help you through this okay? Okay, does she have a puls?" I quickly ran up to her and put my fingers on her neck. "uh, yeah! I feel one, but it's kind of faint." I said. At least she still has a heartbeat.    

"Okay that's good, is she breathing?" I checked again but I didn't see anything, just like before. I went up to her and placed my ear right next to her mouth and heard air escaping, not much, but it was something. "Yeah, but she's not breathing a lot, only a few times and very little air is going in."  Just then I heard a knock at the door, I dropped the phone and ran up to it. Looking out the hole to see if it was the paramedics or the guy who did this to her, not wanting him to come in and hurt her more. Luckily it was the paramedics so I opened the door. They rushed in with a gurney and multiple medical supplies. The first one in the flat looked at me, I didn't know why for a while and then remembered. Cali. "Oh, yeah. She's in the bedroom, second on the left!" they all rushed into the room with me following right behind them. One of them stopped me and pulled me away.

"Okay sir, we're going to need some medical information about her okay?" I just nodded my head not believing any of this was actually happening, still staring at my room, the medics on top of Cali trying to get her to start breathing again. 

"Hello? Sir? I need to know her name." 

"Oh, sorry, her name is Cali, she's 21"

"Okay, does she take any medication?" I don't know how to answer that. How on Earth am I suppose to answer that. " I-I I don't know." She just looked at me for a while, obviously thinking about how we could solve this then she looked up. "Do you know of any family or friends she might have here?" I didn't know any of her family. Oh, wait! Marissa! I immediately grabbed my phone and dialed her number. 

"Hello?" Said Marissa happily. I could hear Phil in the back round saying "Get off the phone we're watching a movie!" as he laughed. 

"Marissa. You need to come to my flat. It's Cali and I don't know how to answer any of the questions and I need help hurry." 

"Wh-what happened? Dan? DAN ANSWER ME!" 

"Just come here. And hurry." Just then the line went dead. A few minutes later she appeared in the door way with a tear streaked face, and Phil trailing not far behind her out of breath. She ran up to me and hugged me, I don't know why I mean Phil was right there for her to hug, but I just she just wanted to hug someone new? Whatever I can't think of this right now. 

"What the hell happened Dan! Now you have to answer me." I just motion to the paramedic standing there waiting to get the answers to the questions I couldn't answer. Marissa just nodded her head and walked towards the paramedic prepared to answer any questions about Cali. 

I sat on the couch, still in shock that all of this just happened when Phil came and sat next to me. He put his hand and my shoulder but I couldn't be bothered to look at him. I didn't care enough. After a few minutes Phil just sighed and left.

Soon the paramedics were taking Cali out of the room on the gurney. Pumping air into her lungs with a balloon looking thing. I rushed up to be by her side. I was going to the ambulance with her. This is all my fault and I wasn't about to leave her side. She needed me. She needed comfort, not someone who would keep asking what happened *cough cough* Marissa! I held her hand and ran with the paramedics getting into the ambulance with her and a paramedic.

Not long after we arrived at the hospital and I was told to wait in the waiting area until she was stable enough for visitors. I sat in the chairs, those extremely uncomfortable hospital chairs, and somehow managed to fall asleep.

Thank you, Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now