🧡 Episode 8: Blue Sky Kingdom, here we come!

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🧡 Intro 🧡

Hime: Hello there! My name is Hime Shirayuki!
Aguri: And I'm Aguri Madoka!
Hime and Aguri: The two of us are Besties!
Hime: Aguri and I are closer now. I hope our friendship lasts longer.
Aguri: *nods* Even if 5 of our friends become warriors like us, I still wanted Hime to be my partner.
Hime: Aww. You're so sweet. Thank you, Aguri!
Aguri: You're welcome, Hime.
Hime: Of course we need help. We can't fight the evil as a duo as the monster becomes stronger.
Aguri: Yes! Let's see who will become a Precure first among the 5.
Hime: Who could that be?

🧡 Scene 1 🧡

*At the outside of Pig Tail (Oogai Town, Japan)*
Trump King (Aguri's Father): Blue Sky Kingdom?
Regina: You're going there?
Hime: Why yes, Regina!
Aguri: Hime will tour me around.
Regina: Woah! You will roam around Blue Sky Kingdom, Little Sis?
Aguri: Yes, I am!
Regina: Anyways, I can bring you to that place.
Regina: Yes, silly! If I travel back and forth to Trump Kingdom, why not in another place, right?
Trump King: By the way, Aguri, Hime, good luck!
Hime: Thank you, Uncle!
Aguri: Thanks, Papa!
Trump King: If only Marie-Ange is alive, it will be merrier.
Hime: What happened to Marie-Ange?
Trump King: She died due to serious illness, and I become a bit selfish there, making me possessed by Proto Jikochuu. Good thing, she divided her heart into two, and-
Hime: That's how Regina and Aguri were born. I know.
Trump King and Regina: Oh!
Regina: It's no surprise that you knew. You two are Besties after all.
Aguri: Ahem! Why would I keep something from Hime if we're Besties, Regina?
Regina: You have a point, Aguri.
*Aguri and Regina giggle*
Regina: Brace yourselves! *summons her staff* Here's a portal for you! *creates a portal*
Hime and Aguri: Wow!
Trump King: If you need anything, call us using the Mirror Pad, okay?
Hime and Aguri: Okay!
Regina: Bye, Hime! Bye, Aguri!
*Hime and Aguri enter the portal together*
*A few seconds later*
*On the hill (in Blue Sky Kingdom)*
*The portal opens*
*Hime and Aguri gets out of the portal*
Aguri: Wow!
Hime: Bestie, welcome to Blue Sky Kingdom!
Aguri: It's incredible, just like in Trump Kingdom.
Hime: I know right? Wait. What does Trump Kingdom look like?
Aguri: Kinda like this one except that the castle is all white.
Hime: So, wanna go down?
Aguri: Of course, Bestie!
Hime: Let's go then! *drags Aguri*
*A few minutes later*
*In the Town Square (in Blue Sky Kingdom)*
*Hime and Aguri are walking*
Aguri: *To Hime* Hime, can I ask?
Hime: Okay.
Aguri: What will you do when people sees you?
Hime: They bow, but they let me live a happy life. I talked to them when needed, too.
Aguri: I thought you said you don't have real friends before Megumi (Aino).
Hime: That's true. I was really shy when making a friend. All my life, I just simply look for fashion trends.
*The two girls spot Hime and Aguri from afar*
Girl 1: *To the Girl 2* Is that Himelda Window?!
Girl 2: Yes! It was her! And who's that girl with her?!

🧡 Scene 2 🧡

*10 minutes later*
*In the hallway (The Blue Sky Kingdom's Palace)*
*Hime's mother (Imelda) got depressed when looking at the pictures of herself, her husband, and Hime*
Imelda: I missed you, Himelda. I hope you're okay in Japan.
???: Mother?!
Imelda: *drops the picture* Hime, is that you?!
*Hime and Aguri approach Imelda together*
Hime: Mother! I missed you! *hugs Imelda*
Imelda: I missed you, too, Himelda!
*Hime let go of her Mother*
Imelda: So, how's your stay in Japan?
Hime: It was great, Mother. I live in Oogai Town now.
Imelda: I hope you're fine there. Tell me, which apartment do you live?
Hime: Well, uh, the truth is... I never lived in the apartment. I lived in my friend's house.
Imelda: *looks at Aguri* Is she the friend you're referring to?
Hime: Ah yes! This is my best friend, Aguri Madoka. *To Aguri* Aguri, this is my Mother Imelda, the Queen of the Blue Sky!
Aguri: Uh... Good morning, Your Majesty.
Imelda: *giggles* You don't have to call me that, Aguri. Since you're Himelda's best friend, you should call me "Auntie".
Aguri: Okay, Auntie.
Imelda: If you're the best friend of Himelda, you should know everything about her.
Aguri: I do. Is it true that you only become Queen through marriage?
Imelda: Who told you that?
Aguri: Hime.
Imelda: It's true, Aguri! I used to be a commoner. I originally lived in Skyland, and I am a Skylandian.
Hime: Also, Aguri, Mother met Father while he was still a prince and a student in Royal Academy.
Aguri: REALLY?! My Papa studied in that school, too!
Imelda: What do you mean?
Aguri: Auntie, my Papa Alfonso, used to study in Royal Academy in preparation to become a King of Trump Kingdom. Since he was a king, it means I'm the princess.
Imelda: You're a princess, too?! That's great.
Aguri: I hate to say this but I'm jealous when I see you two together. I don't experience of having a Mother.
Hime: Aguri, you can treat my mother as your second mother. *To Imelda* Right, Mother?
Imelda: Why of course. *To Aguri* You don't have a mother, do you?
*Aguri shakes her head from side to side*
Imelda: Well, then! Let me embrace you both! Is that okay for you two?
Hime and Aguri: Yes!
*Hime, Aguri, and Imelda hug each other*
*Another few minutes later*
*In Hime's bedroom*
Aguri: I can't believe that our fathers were schoolmates, Bestie.
Hime: It's no wonder they came from royalty. If only Father is here.
Aguri: I bet he will be here in a minute.
Hime: You know what, Bestie? Father is childish, so you should go easy on him. Yes, he's a good ruler but he his also immature.
Aguri: He's no different from you. The apple doesn't fall far from a tree.
Hime: You said it.
*Hime and Aguri laugh*

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