🧡 Episode 16: The birth of Joyful Girls Squad!

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🧡 Intro 🧡

Hime: Hello there! My name is Hime Shirayuki!
Aguri: And I'm Aguri Madoka!
Hime: Aguri and I struggle to name a group!
Aguri: Good thing we have five friends to rely on.
Hime: Speaking of our five friends, they are ready to try something together.
Aguri: But of course, they shouldn't run away from their responsibilities as Precures.
Hime: Jeez! You're too serious, Bestie. Why not you asked them to balance between normal life and work?
Aguri: Right! I'm sorry, Bestie! It's just that since we're Precures, our people are counting on us. We mustn't let them down!
Hime: I suppose you're right.
Aguri: You can ask me an advice if you need anything.
Hime: Okay then.

🧡 Scene 1 🧡

*In the bedroom in Madoka Household (Oogai Town, Japan)*
*The ball papers are scattered around the room*
Hime: *writes something on the paper* Hmm... What would be our group name? Rainbow Starlight? No! That's a dumb name. *squeezes the paper and throws it on the floor* Naming a group is harder than I thought!
*Aguri enters the room*
Aguri: WHA- Bestie, why are the papers scattering around the room?
Hime: I was writing about our possible group name, but it seems that it doesn't fit for our group. This is my 98th attempt. 2 more to go and it will be a hundred.
Aguri: *picks the paper balls and puts them into the bed* Next time, you shouldn't throw a paper like that only because you made a single mistake. You need to be practical. We can still use those papers in the near future.
Hime: Right. Sorry about that.
Aguri: Why don't you just take a break instead?
Hime: That's what I was about to do right now.
Aguri: Is that so?
Hime: Yes! I'll save the plan on naming the group by tomorrow.
Aguri: Alright. I can help you in naming the group.
Hime: REALLY?!
Aguri: Yes!
Hime: *hugs Aguri* HA, HA! Thank you, my Bestie Aguri!
Aguri: You're welcome as always, Bestie Hime!
Hime: *let go of Aguri* Anyways, let's clean up this mess before Mother and Grandma come home.
Aguri: Got it! Let's make it quick!
*The next day*
*In the entrance of Pikarigaoka Preschool*
Hime: *To Ai* Ai, you better behave, okay?
Ai: I will, Hime.
Hime: Here. *gives a money to Ai* This is your allowance for the food.
Ai: Hime, you don't have to. Grandma Mari and Aunt Imelda already gave me snacks.
Hime: Still, you need money. I need to go to my school. I will be late.
Ai: Will you and Aguri plan to make a group name?
Hime: I don't know. Now's not the right time for this, Ai.
Ai: I'm sorry. Sorry if I sound pushy.
Hime: It's okay, Ai. I understand. *checks the time on the phone* Oh, dear! I am late! I guess it's time for me to transform to get to school faster. You should go inside.
Ai: Okay! *runs towards the entrance*
Hime: Bye, Ai!
*A few minutes later*
*In the sky*
*Princess hovers while looking at the vehicles being stuck in a traffic jam*
Cure Princess: Good thing I never ride on a bus. It's rush hour today. I hope I can catch up! *starts flying forward*

🧡 Scene 2 🧡

*A few hours later*
*In Hime's classroom*
*Hime sleeps while the rest of her 39 classmates are looking at the whiteboard*
Miss Usukura: What is our country's National Flower? *To Mirei* Miss Hishida, you answer.
Mirei: Cherry Blossom!
Miss Usukura: Your answer is correct! *To Hime* Miss Shirayuki!
*Himika pinches Hime's arm*
*Hime quickly wakes up*
Miss Usukura: You better get up, Hime. You know that sleeping during class is not allowed.
Hime: Alright! I'm sorry, Miss Usukura!
Miss Usukura: Give at least one Southeast Asian Countries that are invaded by Japanese.
Hime: As in I enumerate?
Miss Usukura: You don't have to. Just give me one.
Hime: Philippines.
Miss Usukura: Correct! Um, Hime, don't sleep during class, okay? We need to finish all the lessons before the final exam.
Hime: Okay, Miss. I'll do my best.
Himika: *whispers* You should listen to Miss Usukura next time.
Mirei: I suggest that you must have a plenty of sleep so that you won't fall asleep during class in a future.
Hime: Okay, fine.
*In Aguri's classroom*
Sarina: *To Aguri* So, your best friend is few years older than you, huh?
Aguri: Yes, Sarina!
Sarina: Is that Hime-senpai?
Aguri: Yeah! You probably saw me posted our picture together in CureSta.
Sarina: And I heard that you're a crazy fan of a food blogger, that is Chururin?
*Aguri nods*
*Koriko and Joe arrive on scene*
*Joe grabs Aguri's notebook*
Aguri: Hey!
*Joe throws the notebook into a garbage can*
Joe: Oops! Sorry, Aguri!
Sarina: You better stop this nonsense, Joe.
Koriko: Why? Aguri is such an attention-seeker. No wonder she got higher grades after she brainwashed our teachers.
Aguri: Excuse me, Koriko! I don't manipulate the teachers to get better grades. In fact, I studied very hard just to have a better future.
Sarina: Correct! Aguri will be the valedictorian when we graduate middle school.
*Aguri picks the notebook from the garbage can*
Aguri: If you continue bullying me, I'll tell my Papa.
Joe: Aww. I'm so scared, Aguri.
Koriko: Let's get out of here, Joe. *To Aguri* Meet your end, Aguri! *does a loser sign*
*Joe and Koriko leave the classroom together*
Sarina: *To Aguri* Are you okay, Aguri?
Aguri: I'm fine. I better tell this situation of mine to my Papa.
Sarina: You must or else those two will continue bullying you.
Aguri: Or... What about I'll tell Hime instead?
Sarina: But, Aguri, Hime-senpai is not your parent or your guardian.
Aguri: I know, but Hime treated me like her own sister. I made a promise that I should open up to her.
Sarina: Well, it's up to you to decide, Aguri.

Pretty Cure Joyful Girls Squad 🧡 (プリキュアジョイフルガールズスクワッド 🧡)Where stories live. Discover now