Summary of How the Final Part was Going to Go

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Hello everyone. 

I'd say good evening but we're all going to read this message at different times. I feel like saying 'hello' is not formal enough for what I'm about to say, but I hope you will read this entire summary/author's note, but if you do not wish to I'll mark where the actual summary starts in bold so you can go straight to that.

First, I would like to thank every single one of you for reading my story. This 'thank you' is for everyone who has read my story. Even those of you who never commented/starred/favourited it, or even left after a while because of how things were done or even because of how long there was between updates.

This story has a special place in my heart as it was a big step for me in more ways than one. This is the first story I've written that has lasted this long. I go through fixations, and most of my stories start, but almost never get even halfway. 

But this story is special. It may not seem like it, but it truly is. I started writing it back in about 2015/2016. At the time I was in the throws of a very bad bout of depression. I won't go into details because I don't want to trigger anyone but let's just say that from 2015 onwards I've had to fight with mental health issues that had left me in an almost catatonic state.  

For the last eight years, I've carried around two diagnoses that have now been merged into one. The new one makes more sense than the others ever did, and I've finally managed to get inspired again to do things. In fact, in the last year alone I've read more actual books than I have in probably the last eight years. It has brought with it a wave of inspiration and a need to explore my writing once again.

And, unfortunately, things have changed since I was seventeen and I first started writing this story. While Naruto will always have a place in my heart, Gods know that the manga and anime were what helped me through tough times in my teenage years,  my interests have now changed. 

Right now I'm actually enjoying writing Harry Potter fanfictions more than Naruto. But, more than that, I'm now enjoying writing my own, original stories. And I find that genres that inspire my reading writing have also changed. 

I'm now more interested in contemporary fiction that could be seen as a 'slice-of-life' in the anime community. Fantasy, supernatural, and action-based media don't interest me as much. Unfortunately, Naruto falls into those three categories. This is why I will no longer be actively updating my Naruto fanfictions.

Yes, you read that right. Actively. While for now there is little chance of me getting back to writing these stories, I am not fully closing on them. One day inspiration may hit and I may end up continuing or finishing these stories. But, that is a bit if, and, right now, there are almost no chances of me finishing them.

But because I respect all of my readers so much, I have decided to write down a summary of how this story was going to end at the time of my writing this.

So thank you all so much for joining me on this journey and hopefully one day I'll be able to finish this story the way it deserves.

Ending Summary (TW: Mentions of sexual assault/rape, mentions of trauma response/PTSD, mentions of abortion for medical reasons, character death)

After the events of Chapter Thirty-Five, Itachi and Sasuke along with Takeo confront Danzo and kill him. While the trio wanted to make the man suffer, they were worried about Miyako and disposed of him rather quickly. During this time, Sakura removes the foetus as well as the uterus and ovaries from Miyako under the watchful eye of Tsuneo (Hisoka, Miyako, and Takeo's sensei). 

A few minutes before the Kill Danzo Squad return, Miyako comes clean to Sakura about the children that were created using Sakura and Sasuke's eggs and sperm. Of course, the Kill Danzo Squad return not even a few minutes after the reveal and Sasuke and Sakura go out of the room to talk privately about their offspring (I used offspring instead of 'kids' because, while genetically they are theirs, they actually had no part in the creation of the children).

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