Chapter Eighteen

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The next day the clean-up continued. Miyako had just finished cleaning up the second of the snakes and was making her way to the third when she sensed a very familiar chakra nearby. She froze, mid-step, reaching out with her mind as she searched for the location of said chakra.


Miyako jumped in surprise and turned to face Kakashi, who was leaning against a building with his book out, though this time he appeared to not be reading it. "Kakashi-san, what brings you here?" Miyako questioned with a weary smile, still tense from sensing the familiar chakra.

"I'm waiting for Sasuke," Kakashi stated with a shrug. "Have you seen him lately?"

"Not since last night. He didn't even eat dinner. It was such a waste," Miyako replied with a pout as she leaned up against the building next to Kakashi, noting the chakra she could sense was stronger, obviously in the building, though she heard no thoughts. "Where's the rest of your team?"

"I'm not sure where Sakura is, but Naruto is heading off with Jiraiya-sama to find Lady Tsunade," Kakashi explained and Miyako raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Lady Tsunade? Is she going to be the next Hokage?"

"That's the plan," Kakashi replied as Asuma and Kurenai walked into their view. "Hey. You two look good together. Are you two dating?" Kakashi asked the two, putting his book away in the process.

"What are you doing here? I thought you didn't like sweets," Kurenai questioned and Asuma nodded in confused agreement. "Hello, Miyako-san." Miyako nodded in acknowledgment of Kurenai's greeting.

"I'm here to pick up a few things. And I'm also waiting for Sasuke," Kakashi explained.

"It's very different for you to arrive first, Kakashi," Sasuke stated as he walked up to the group of four. He looked into the shop and frowned. "I hate sweets."

"Do you?" Kakashi questioned and Miyako nodded.

"Yep. He doesn't even eat ice cream or most chocolate. He doesn't mind dark chocolate though. Not that I can I blame him. Dark chocolate is divine," Miyako explained as she noticed the familiar chakra was now gone, making her frown.

"Well, we best be heading off," Asuma stated and waved bye to the trio before leaving with Kurenai to scope out the danger.

Miyako-san go with them. They'll need the backup, Kakashi thought out to Miyako who nodded in agreement.

"I need to get going too," Miyako stated before walking off, following the thought waves of Asuma and Kurenai. She followed them to the river, where she saw two men in black cloaks with red clouds on them. Both of their chakra's were familiar, one more-so than the other.

Asuma and Kurenai stood in front of the men on the water, blocking their path as Miyako walked up behind them. She easily recognised the shorter of the two as Itachi, but she ignored him and looked at the largest of the two, who she suspected to be Hoshigaki Kisame thanks to her almost run-in with them a few months back.

"You guys don't look like the locals. Why are you here?" Asuma questioned the men.

"Long time no see, Asuma-san. Kurenai-san. Miyako-chan," Itachi replied as he removed his making the two Jōnin senseis stiffen up.

"So, you know who we are? Does that mean you were a shinobi originally from this village?" Asuma questioned stiffly.

"Of course he was. It's Uchiha Itachi," Miyako stated and Itachi removed his straw hat and opened up part of his clock, crimson eyes locked only on Miyako who was now meeting his red gaze with her blue.

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