Chapter Five

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The following month Team 4 spent all their time training. Tsuneo had put an emphasis on taijutsu in the teams' training sessions, building up his students' speed, strength, agility, and stamina. Today, a month after becoming genins, the team would finally start doing missions. Though excited, the team also knew what were in for. D-Rank missions. The lowest of the low. Missions that included farming, babysitting, finding lost pets, and shopping for other people to name a few.

"OK everyone, as I know you three have probably guessed, we will be doing D-Rank missions for a while. Most of the other genin graduates this year have started doing the occasional C-Rank, but because I took the time to improve your skills, you're a bit behind," Tsuneo stated and the three genins nodding in both acceptance and understanding. "I took the liberty of picking up our mission prior to our meeting. Today we have to do some gardening in the medicinal greenhouses."

Takeo sighed. "Remind me again why they allow such unnecessary tasks to become missions?"

"Money, experience, that sort of thing," Miyako stated and Tsuneo nodded in agreement to her assessment.

"Now then, if we get this done early enough, we may be able to get another mission before the day is out, understand?" Tsuneo questioned and the genins nodded before following their sensei to the medicinal greenhouses, where herbs and plants used to make medicines for the local hospitals and doctor clinics were grown.

The three walked in and were greeted by an older lady. "You must be the genin team they sent me. I know this isn't what you had planned in becoming ninja but thank you for helping with this. Let me get you all set up." With that said, the lady showed them the location of the gear and tools they would need and which plants they were to work with. She then left them to their own devices as she went to work in another part of the greenhouse.

As they worked, they joked and talked about random stuff, finding that they enjoyed looking after the important plants. It was just after twelve-thirty when they were finished, and they reported to the Hokage who gave them the rest of the day off as there were no other missions available.

Tsuneo led the team back to their training field and stood in front of them with a frown. "I had hoped to do another mission, but alas that fell through. So today I decided we should learn your chakra natures," Tsuneo stated and held up three pieces of paper. "This is chakra paper, you put your chakra into it and it will tell you what chakra elemental nature you have out of lightning, wind, water, earth, and fire. As you can probably guess, in the Land of Fire, fire is the most common chakra nature type with the wind release being the rarest."

"Sensei, how will we know what chakra nature is what?" Hisoka questioned as he took a piece of paper from Tsuneo, followed by his two teammates.

"The paper reacts differently depending on the nature type of chakra. For wind it slashes in half, for lightning it crinkles, for fire it burns, for water it gets soaked, and for earth it crumbles. My natural nature type is fire release, though I have also trained in the lightning release as well. Just because your nature type is one type, doesn't mean you can't learn another, it's just easier to learn elemental jutsu based on your chakra type," Tsuneo explained before gesturing to Hisoka. "Why don't you go first?"

"OK, Tsuneo-sensei," the Uchiha stated before focusing his chakra into the piece of paper, watching in amazement as it burst into flames. "I shouldn't be surprised, my clan is known for having fire chakra type after all."

"Wait, so genetics play a part in your chakra nature?" Takeo questioned and Tsuneo nodded.

"That's right, it's almost guaranteed that if both your parents have lightning chakra type, you would have it too. Now then, why don't you show us your nature type, Takeo?"

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