Chapter Thirteen

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Miyako bit her lip as she sat on a tree outside of the Academy. Today was the day where the Chunin Exams begin, and Miyako was both excited and nervous for her cousin Sasuke. She was told by the Hokage not to interfere and she had no intentions of doing so. She just wanted to watch the duo try their best.

Miyako watched as the trio of genins finally entered the room, wide-eyed at the sight of all the shinobi around them from different villages. Even Sasuke's eyes widened a little bit at the sight. Miyako watched, from a distance and amused, as the trio met up with the other Rookies.

She couldn't help but frown at the thought, not understanding why the Hokage had allowed the rookie genin – not even six months out of the Academy – participate in the Chunin Exams. Then again, she should be blaming their Jōnin instructors.

Don't they know that people die in these exams? She wondered briefly.

"Miyako-san, I see you're here observing Sasuke and Sasuke," Kakashi stated as he appeared next to the girl.

"Yeah. I'm worried about them. All of them. every single rookie is drawing attention to themselves," Miyako stated, watching as a silver haired man with glassed walked up to the group of nine genin. Miyako frowned in thought. "That's the one that quits every exam's, right? When he reaches the second exam he always claims to be exhausted or injured."

"Hmm?" Kakashi hummed, looking over his book to the person Miyako spoke about, a frown underneath his navy-blue mask. "You're right. That's not normal."

"Is that...? Are those...? Information cards?" Miyako stuttered out as the silver haired teen pulled out a stack of cards. Kakashi nodded, frowning as he realised the threat that this particular genin held to those around him.

"Miyako-san, Hokage-sama told me about your predicament and relation to the Haruno's when I took Sakura on as my genin. Tell me, can you hear anything?" Kakashi questioned and Miyako – not even surprised by what he said – nodded and activated her kekkei genkai.

"Sure, Kakashi-san," Miyako replied, concentration on sensing the thoughts surrounding her.

It took her a minute to differentiate whose voice where whose. The more familiar the voice, the easier it is to pick it up. She didn't know the silver haired teens voice, and it took her a full minute to find his thoughts. When she did, she sat up straighter and frowned.

'The Uchiha seems interested in the one-tailed Jinchūriki. He probably senses the strength coming from the boy and wants a fight. I should inform Orochimaru-sama off this. Perhaps we can use this to our advantage.'

"What did you hear?" Kakashi questioned, noticing the frown on the female teens face.

"From what I can gathers, he's interested in Sasuke. And it seems he is working with Orochimaru," Miyako stated, just as another thought flooded the girls mind. She could sense the bloodlust and want radiating off it but couldn't locate the person it belonged too.

'There he is. Good job, Kabuto. Make him trust you. My new vessel.'

Miyako stiffened, eyeing everyone in the room wearily. "I think... Orochimaru may be here," Miyako stated and Kakashi stood up straight, putting his book away.

"You stay and watch the exams. I'll inform Hokage-sama on what you heard. Keep an eye on the silver-haired genin, and an ear out for Orochimaru," Kakashi ordered before disappearing in a poof.

Miyako turned back to the classroom, grinning when she saw the silver-haired teen on the ground, coughing up blood. At that moment, a large, deeply tanned man walked into the room. She recognised him immediately as Morino Ibiki, head of the Interrogation and Torture Division. She smirked as she quickly realised the point of the test and sat back against the tree, getting comfortable to watch the event unfold.

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