Chapter Twenty-four

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Itachi stared at the letter that had just arrived, surprised at first the Orochimaru knew about the letter between himself and Miyako. But his surprise quickly vanished as he read the letter and learn that Miyako was missing. Possibly – most likely – kidnapped.

Hoshigaki Kisame – who sat not even five metres away – watched as his partner in crime's (quite literally) face turned into a mixture of anger and fear. He watched as Itachi stood up, making him wonder what was written in that letter that had his teammate so worked up.

"Itachi?" Kisame questioned as Itachi started to pack up his belongings without even a glance at his teammate. Kisame's beady black eyes shot to the edge of the clearing as he sensed someone chakra. He watched as the wolf-masked Ookami appeared, frowning at the appearance of – what he was sure was – a teenager. "What are you doing here, Ookami?"

Itachi's gaze flittered straight to the masked teen. Unlike Kisame, Itachi knew who lay behind the wolf-mask and something in his gut told him that Ookami was the reason for Miyako's disappearance.

"I take it you are aware of Miyako-chan going missing, Itachi," Ookami stated and Itachi stiffened.

"If you have anything to do with it..." Itachi warned and Ookami chuckled.

"So what if I did? What are you doing to do about it?" Ookami questioned and threw a scroll at Itachi, who caught and read over the scroll and its contents in a matter of seconds. His eyes widened at what was written. The orders that were written. "You have one week to complete this task. If you don't... well, you know what Tobi and I have planned for Miyako." Ookami then vanished from view, making Itachi clench the scroll in his pale hands. For the first time since the coup d'état and the massacre he felt helpless.

"Itachi, what's going on?" Kisame questioned, finally standing up from his position on the ground, worry hidden deep in his eyes.

"Head back to the nearest base. I'm going to finish this... mission," he spat the word out, "as quickly as possible." Itachi ordered Kisame before disappearing from the clearing, leaving a confused Kisame behind who decided to respect itachi's orders and started heading to the nearest base.

Miyako was confused and depressed to say the least. The boy she had loved, her best friend, the one she thought dead was not dead. He had survived the massacre and was working with a madman who wanted to control the entire ninja world. But what was worse was what they were going to make Itachi do. Something so horrible she couldn't help but fill sick to her stomach. And they were using her too, just to get him to cooperate.

It had been a little over an hour since Hisoka had told hear the plan and left he in her thoughts, when the door leading into the room opened and he entered. His wolf mask was hanging of his belt and he held tray on which sat some rice and curry and a glass of water. He knelt down and placed the tray on the floor before turning around and shutting the door, locking it as he went.

"I'm going to unlock the chains from you so you can eat, Mi-chan," Hisoka stated as he came near her.

He opened the chains and Miyako lowered her arms, rubbing her wrists to relieve the pressure that had built up over time. She glared at Hisoka as he moved backwards, giving the sixteen-year-old some room so she could eat. Watching her as she grabbed the tray of food and started eating, never taking her gaze of his as he leant against the door. He was prepared to defend himself if she made a move.

"If you keep glaring, your face will get stuck like that," Hisoka stated with a weary smile, trying to break the tension as Miyako's glare hardened, not appreciating the joke. "Your glare is almost better than a Uchiha's. Tell me, did Sasuke or Itachi teach you that?"

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