Chapter Twenty-Two

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The following weeks were spent with Sasuke training with Orochimaru, Hana, and Kabuto, and Miyako spending her time watching the training sessions, joining in from time to time at the request of Orochimaru. She had recently read Orochimaru's mind and discovered that he trusted her about as far as he could throw the Hokage monument. In other words, he doesn't trust her. But that was fine with Miyako, she didn't need his trust. She just needed to stay in order to protect Sasuke.

Of course, Miyako's hovering was starting to get on Sasuke's nerves. They had been gone a month, and Miyako rarely left Sasuke's side. She watched over him as if he were a noble prince in need of protecting. Of course, he was technically the head of his clan, but he too was a shinobi. He didn't need protecting. Even if it's from Orochimaru.

At the moment, Miyako was resting against the wall of the training room. Sasuke was standing in the centre, covered in sweat. He was standing in front of Orochimaru who was explaining the importance of speed in battle. For the last two hours, Sasuke had been running the length of the room, going fasted and faster at the order of Orochimaru.

Miyako, who had been in the room the whole time, had just been joining Sasuke in his training, only, unlike him, she wasn't sweating all that bad. This training was child's play compared on what she used to do on a daily basis.

"Miyako-chan," Orochimaru said, walking up to her. "I need you to do something for me."

"What can I help you with, Orochimaru-sama?" Miyako replied, standing up straight from her slouching position.

"I need you to go into the nearby village. You see, we are running low on food, and I need someone who isn't known by the villagers to get it for me. I'll give you the money, of course," Orochimaru explained and Miyako frowned.

"Isn't that usually Hana's job?"

"Yes. But she is currently on a mission in the Land of Rice Paddies. So can you? It will be such a big help to me," Orochimaru stated, holding out a fairly large bag of money.

Miyako sighed and grabbed it off him, walking towards the exit of the training room they were currently using.

"Oh, and Miyako-chan, do buy yourself some new clothes. Those ones are starting to get worn," Orochimaru added and Miyako nodded, leaving the room and the base and to the village two hours away.

Miyako was just finished up in the village, her shopping sealed away in scroll when she felt a familiar chakra, and the pushing of a familiar voice on her thoughts. Miyako made her way into a nearby dango shop and sat down, ordering some and a cup of green tea. A few minutes later, after the dango and tea arrived, someone sat across from her.

"I heard you left the village," the male voice stated and Miyako looked up from her tea into the onyx eyes of Sasuke's older brother.

"I promised you I would look after Sasuke. I'm keeping that promise," Miyako replied simply, taking a bite of her dango.

"I didn't think you'd follow him to Orochimaru," Itachi replied as he too ordered some dango and green tea. "But I'm happy that you're keeping your promise to me. even if I don't deserve it."

Miyako didn't respond to his statement, instead, watching the young woman place Itachi's order in front of him. The woman blushed when she met Itachi's onyx gaze, before running off to take of some other customers.

"Tell me, have you been hanging around here waiting for me?" Miyako questioned in curiosity as Itachi nodded.

"I know about the nearby base. I came hoping to get a hold of you to convince you to give me regular updates on how my brother is progressing. Do you think you can do it?"

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