Chapter Four

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(Itachi Uchiha)


Miyako was excited. It's been just under two years since she started at the academy and, along with everyone else in her class, she was given the chance to try and graduate early. The exams were two days ago, and only Miyako, Takeo, and Hisoka passed the exam. Of course, Miyako and Gina had cried when they heard the news, both complaining about being separated, but made promises to hang out when they can.

Miyako had turned seven on the day of the exam, and Takeo and Hisoka were both going to be ten by the end of the year along with Gina. She and her friends (Takeo and Hisoka) hope they'll be placed together. Takeo thought it was bound to happen (what with all three being the youngest in the graduating group and already knowing each other and their moves he figured that the placement of them on a team was beyond obvious).

They were in the classroom with the other graduates, most were twelve or thirteen, but there were some who were eleven and one who was fourteen and had to be kept down in previous years. No one paid any mind to others outside of those that they knew, so when Miyako, Takeo, and Hisoka arrived in the designated orientation room they decided to sit together near the front of the room, closest to the doors.

"Do you think we'll be placed together?" Hisoka questioned his friends making Miyako smile at her best friend.

"I don't see why not. Like what Takeo said previously, we're friends and have been in the same class for most of our schooling. We already work well together, they'd be silly not to let us be a team," Miyako explained.

"I hope we get to be together. I don't think I can handle being without you, Miyako," Hisoka stated and Takeo shot a smirk to his friend.

"What? You wouldn't miss me?" Takeo questioned making Hisoka flush red.

"Ah! Of course, I would miss you! I just mean..." Hisoka babbled on whilst Takeo sat back in his seat, smirking at his flustered friend.

"Come on guys, the teacher is here," Miyako hissed out, making the two boys fall quiet and bring their attention up to the male teacher who just walked into the room.

"OK then, I'm here to give you your teams. Once I announce them, you will wait here for your jōnin instructor. Now first up is Team 1." Miyako shifted nervously as she listened intently as the names were called. There were cheers from some and complaints from others as the teams were called, though nothing overly distracting.

"Next, Team 4... Fuchigami Takeo, Uchiha Hisoka, and Haruno Miyako," the teacher announced, and the three friends gave each other a high five as the teacher continued until all the teams were called out. "Now then, your jōnin instructors should be here soon. Maybe take the time to get into your new teams and meet each other," the teacher explained before he sat down at the desk and started doing some paperwork.

"Yes!" Miyako stated she brought her friend into a group hug, not noticing the red tinge to Hisoka's cheek. "I'm so happy we didn't get separated. Too bad Gina couldn't be here with us."

"Even if she passed, we would've been separated," Takeo stated and Miyako sighed.
"I know, but I feel like we're leaving her behind. From now on we won't have time for others outside out team like we used to," Miyako stated and the two boys nodded in agreement.

The three sat, leaning back on their chairs as they thought about their future. As they sat in silence, jōnin instructors arrived taking their new teams with them. Soon enough, with only three teams left, a man with dark brown, curly hair stepped into the room.

"Team 4?" he called and the three friends shot out of their seats before walking up to their new teacher. He looked down at them with almond-shaped, dark brown eyes. He didn't seem all that happy with his team. "Come with me, we will find a place to converse."

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