Chapter 6: They Found Who?

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Alison sits in the day room with a few of the other teens watching the news. An image pops up on the screen and Alison immediately recognizes her old house.

"In breaking news, the body of missing Pennsylvania teen, Alison Dilaurentis, has been found buried in her back yard. Construction workers found the body while doing renovations for the St. Germain family who recently moved in to the house. Cause of death was initially believed to be a blow to the head but upon further investigation was determined to be suffication."

Video of the coroners carting her body away plays and she sees her friends in the background, holding each other and crying.

"At this time, the Dilaurentis family refuses comment and has asked to be alone while they grieve the loss of their daughter once again. Services will be held at Rosewood Church this Saturday."

Alison stares at the screen as her housemates look at her.

"If you're here...."

"Then whose body did they find in my backyard?"

Alison stands up and exists the room to find Maryanne.

"I need an emergency session with Dr. Sullivan, please."

"Of course. Let me see if she's busy."

An hour later Alison sits across from Anne.

"I saw the news report. This has to be very confusing for you, Alison."

"A bit. Sometime after I got out, someone else tried to put me in. Except that wasn't me. Do you think they knew that? Or do you think they thought they killed me?"

"I can't answer that question. What I can do, is offer you counseling in this time."

"I didn't tell you everything. For about a year leading up to my backyard burial, I was receiving threatening messages. Texts, emails, paper notes. The night I was attacked someone wrote in lipstick on my mirror 'I'm everywhere and soon you'll be nowhere.  -A' I don't know who this A person is. I never figured it out. At first I thought it could be whoever my mom is protecting but what if it is someone else entirely?  That night wasn't the first attempt on my life. The Halloween before, it was supposed to be a prank. My friend Noel was supposed to dress up in this super creepy costume and when it happened I thought it was him. Afterward, I told him he had been a bit too rough and he told me it wasn't him. That person had a knife. A real knife and they could have killed me. They tried to."

"Why didn't you tell anybody?"

"I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing they scared me."

"You are strong, Alison. I hope you know that now."

"I do. Thanks to you. Now I need a favor. I want to go back to Rosewood but not until I know it is safe for me to do so. Could you go? Keep an eye on my friends and try to get as much information as you can so we can identify who tried to kill me?"

"Who will handle sessions here?"

"I will. I have learned so much from you, Dr. Sullivan. I can do these sessions in my sleep."

"Under normal circumstances, I would say no. But if you are right about all of this, whoever tried to kill you may target your friends next. Especially with, what they assume is, your body being found."

"Thank you, Dr. Sullivan."

"You aren't my patient anymore, Alison. Please, call me Anne."

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