Chapter 15: Thats My Girl

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Pam wakes Emily and Alison up with a huge breakfast.

"Good morning, girls. I hope you both slept okay. You both looked so peaceful so I didn't want to wake you for you to move to the bedroom."

Alison smiles, stretching in Emily's embrace.

"That was the best night of sleep I have had in a long time."

After breakfast, Alison rides with them to the high school. Alison sits with Pam in the bleachers as Emily heads to get changed. Pam looks at Alison who seems a bit nervous.

"It's okay to be anxious. I know this is your first time back at the school."

"I've bullied 90% of the people here at some point."

Pam gently places her hand on Alison's.

"That's not who you are anymore. Take a chance to show them that. If they can't look past the girl you left behind and get to know the real you, then that is their loss."

Alison smiles softly.

"You are amazing, Mrs. Fields."

The meet starts. Emily pulls the win for the sharks and Alison stands up, cheering.

"Whoo! That's my girl right there! So proud of you, baby!"

Emily blushes as Alison's voice comes through clear above the rest of the cheering.

Alison waits outside the locker room for Emily to come out. Emily walks out and pulls her into a hug.

"Some of the girls are throwing a party at the lake to celebrate. Wanna come with me?"

"Of course."

That night they go to the party. The other girls on the team are already pretty hammered. Emily walks over to the refreshments table and grabs two beers out of the cooler on the table, bringing one to Alison.


"Thank you, babe."

Alison nurses the one beer all night while Emily has two more. After most of the team has passed out, Alison grabs Emily's hand.

"Come on. I want to take you somewhere."

Alison leads her through the trees to the Kissing Rock. Emily smiles when she realizes where they are. They sit side by side on the rock, Emily laying her head on Alison's shoulder. They sit in silence for a bit, just enjoying the peacefulness of each other's company. Alison is the first to break the silence.


Emily lifts her head off of Alison's shoulder and looks at her, concern in her eyes.

"Yes, Ali?"

"Can I kiss you?"

Emily smiles.


Alison bites her lip and tucks Emily's hair behind her ear before leaning in, softly pressing her lips to Emily's. The kiss is slow and full of passion and love. They pull apart and rest their foreheads together, smiling.

"I love you, Ali. I realize I never said it back yesterday."

"You didn't have to. I have never doubted once that you love me."

They stay at the rock for a few hours, enjoying soft touches and love filled kisses.

The next week, Alison mentally prepares herself for her doctors appointment. She's sitting on Emily's bed, looking visibly nervous.

"Ali, baby, are you okay?"

"I'm just nervous about this appointment. Anne is the only person who knows absolutely everything that happened and now I have to tell a complete stranger."

"Even if you aren't ready to talk about it, I'm here for you."

Emily sits next to her, pulling her close.

"I think I need to say it. Even if I'm not ready."

"Okay. No rush."

Alison nods. She begins with the night she left. Everything that she remembers happening. Her breathing starts to get shaky and tears fall down her face as she begins detailing every account of the first six months she was gone, up to her miscarriage.

"The clinic doctor recognized me immediately. She gave me the address for Maryanne's and I went there immediately after. I spent two weeks in isolation before my first session with Anne. I was so broken, Em. I thought I was just getting what I deserved."

Emily holds her close and cries with her.

"You're safe now, Ali. I've got you. I will never let anyone hurt you ever again."

Emily goes with her to her appointment. After tests are done, the doctor recommends physical therapy in order to increase her mobility.

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