Chapter 20: Happily Ever After

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10 Years Later

"Mommy! Mommy! Gracie got no recess."

"Hey! I was gonna tell her, Lily."

Alison tries to hide her chuckle. She kneels down in front of her 6 year old twins.

"What happened?"

"We was making mothers day cards and the new teacher told me I was doing it wrong. I told her I had two mommies and she said that's not possible. So I 'splained it to her. She took away my recess for talking back and under..." Grace crinkles her nose as she tries to remember the word. "Under...undermining her authority."

"Well, it looks like mommies are going to have to pay a visit to this new teacher."

The next day, Emily and Alison head to Rosewood Elementary. They give Lily a kiss goodbye and walk Grace into her classroom. The classroom is already full of students. Alison walks over to the woman at the front of the classroom.

"Are you the new teacher?"

"I am. How can I help you?"

"Would you care to explain to me why my daughters came home yesterday telling me that you took Grace's recess away because she was making a mothers day card to include both of her mothers?"

"Do you really think this is an appropriate time for this conversation?"

The woman gestures to the classroom full of kids.

"I don't know how they did it where you used to teach but here at Rosewood, we pride ourselves in creating an accepting environment for all of our students." Alison turns to the class and sees Aiden Rivers, son of Toby and Caleb Rivers. "Aiden, did she make you do a Mothers day card?"

Aiden nods and Alison turns back to the teacher.

"Aiden has two dads. By forcing him to make a mothers day card, you are telling him that he is missing something in his life when he is not. He has two loving parents, neither of which are a mother. Governor Spencer Hastings married her wife earlier this year. Mayor Marin just celebrated 13 years of marriage to her wife and they have two beautiful children together. So do I think this conversation is appropriate to have in a kindergarten classroom? Yes, I do. If I ever hear anything again about you trying to tell students they are wrong because their parents happen to be gay, I will not only have your job but you will be blacklisted from teaching anywhere in this great state again. Do you understand me?"

The woman is looking at Alison in shock. Emily smiles proudly behind her wife. Alison kneels down in front of Grace.

"You have a good day, sweetie. Grandma and Grandpa are going to pick you and Lily up today, okay? I love you."

"I love you too, Mommy."

Emily and Alison hug and kiss Grace goodbye before walking out of the classroom.

"The way you tore into her was really hot, Ali."

"You think?"

"Oh yeah. Mama Bear Ali is sexy."

That afternoon, the two of them head to the doctor for an ultrasound. The moment they hear a little heartbeat, both of their eyes tear up. They smile as they stare at the screen.

"Congratulations. Your baby is healthy. Everything is going exactly how it should. I know your first pregnancy was scary but you can breathe easy. All of your labs look great. Your vitals are perfect and so is the baby's. Just keep taking your prenatals and if you have any worries, you can call me anytime."

"Thank you, doctor."

After their appointment they head to Emily's parents house. Alison grabs a bag from the backseat and takes it inside.

"Girls, can you go try on these shirts for us? We want to make sure they fit before we head home."

Emily takes them and changes them into the shirts. The words 'Big Sister' are written across the front. They come out and Alison smiles.

"Grandma, Grandpa? What do you think of their new shirts?"

Pam's face lights up when she reads them.

"Oh my God! Really?"

Alison nods.

"14 weeks."

The girls look at each other. Grace stares at Lily's shirt, trying to sound out the words.

"B...big s..sis...sister. Big sister?"

"That's right, Gracie. You and Lily are going to be big sisters. Do you know what that means?"

"Mommy has a baby in her belly." Gracie exclaims, clapping her hands.

"Not in her belly, silly. Her uterus. Remember. That's what they said on that doctor show Grandma likes to watch. A baby is in the uterus." Lily corrects her.

Emily slips her arms around Alison's waist and they chuckle at their daughters.

Emily and Alison throw a party and invite all of their friends. Spencer and Aria show up with their four year old daughter Kayli. Mona and Hanna come with their two children, 12 year old Reyna and 9 year old Josh. Caleb and Toby, the newest addition to their friend group, bring over their six year old son, Aiden. The kids immediately run off to the backyard to play.

"Emily and I have an announcement to make."

All eyes are on them.

"We invited you over today to celebrate. We are going to have another baby!"

Each of their friends cheer and congratulate them.

After everyone goes home, Alison and Emily settle down on the couch. Alison lays her head on Emily's chest. Lily curls up into Emily on the other side and Grace climbs up on Emily's lap. The four of them end up falling asleep, smiles on their faces.

Every day, Alison thanks God for her second chance and their happily ever after.

Second Chances: The Alison Dilaurentis StoryWhere stories live. Discover now