Chapter 8: Hanna's "A"ccident

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Allison gets a call from Anne in the middle of a session.

"Pardon me for just a moment," Alison stands up and walks outside the room, answering the phone. "What's wrong?"

"It's your friend, Hanna, Alison. She's been hit by a car."

"So your hunch about A was right. My alleged body started the torture all over again."

"It appears that way."

"What hospital is she in? I need to see her."

"Rosewood General, but that's risky, Alison."

"I'll go after hours dressed as housekeeping. I used to sneak around all the time. I'm kind of a pro at it."

"Be careful, Alison."

"I will, Anne. Thank you for letting me know."

Alison heads back in the room.

"I apologize for interrupting our session. Unfortunately I do have another appointment."

Later that afternoon, Alison let's Maryanne know she be leaving.

"I have to go. It's time."

"You will always have a place here, Alison, should you need it. We will miss you."

Alison smiles and leaves. A few hours later she is sneaking into a side door of Rosewood General. She finds the custodial closet with all the uniforms and changes into one. While one of the nurses is looking away, she checks the room chart to find Hanna's room.

Once inside the room she flips on the lights. Hanna slowly blinks awake.


"Did you miss me?"

"What are you doing here? I thought you were dead."

"I heard that too."

Alison walks over to Hanna's bedside and tucks a strand of hair behind Hanna's ear.

"You were always so beautiful Hanna. I wish you could have seen it."

"Are you really here?"

Alison takes Hanna's hand and places it against her chest so Hanna can feel her heartbeat.

"What do you think?"

"What happened to you? Why did you leave?"

"It isn't safe for me here. And you know more about what happened than you think you do. All four of you." Alison stands. "I have to go soon. I can't risk anyone finding me here. I love you, Han."

"I love you too, Ali."

Alison smiles and walks out the door.

The Other Girls' POV

The next morning, the girls visit Hanna in the hospital.

"I saw Ali."

"What?" Aria looks at Hanna, confused.

"Alison. She visited me last night."

"You are on a lot of pain medication, Hanna."

"She touched me. Not in a weird way, I don't think. She just tucked my hair behind my ear and called me beautiful. Then she made me feel her heartbeat."

"Okay, Han. That sounds insane and incredibly Sapphic."

"Yeah. Not at all like the Alison we know." Spencer chimes in.

"She did seem a bit different but she has been gone for over a year."

"Okay, Hanna. We all went to Alison's funeral."

Emily looks at Hanna's cast.

"Either Ali is alive or a ghost signed Hanna's cast. This is her handwriting and it's unsigned."

Glad to see you're alive. I will always be with you. ♡

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