Chapter 13: Coming Home

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Alison's phone chimes with a number she doesn't recognize.

'Ready to come home? I'm ready to come clean. Meet me where our story began. -A'

Alison heads to the junior high. If A is who she thinks it may be, then their story starts there. She sees a person standing in the hallway wearing a black hoodie and facing away.

"I'm here."

The person pulls their hood down and turns around, revealing themselves to be Mona.

"Hello, Ali."


"You don't seem surprised."

"Not really. I had narrowed it down to you or Lucas. I took a chance and went with you. I understand you torturing me, but why them?"

"Playing with peoples lives becomes addicting."

"What made you ready to stop?"

"I pushed Aria and Ezra together. Made it easy for them to be together. When I heard what he did to you....I realized how big of a mistake I made. I want to stop, but I will need help."

"I believe you kidnapped yourself some help."

"I didn't kidnap Dr. Sullivan, I ran her out of town. She knew too much."

"There's still the matter of who tried to kill me. Twice."

"One of them was me."

"That must have been the other body. I don't see my mom burying me for you."

"So on top of blackmail and stalking, I'm a murderer too?"

"Unless we can pin it on the other person. The one who hit me."

"Who would your mom protect?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe I can help you figure it out. After I get help."

Alison smiles.

"I'd be okay with that."

Mona shakes her head.

"I just confessed to trying to kill you and you just forgive me?"

"I did horrible things, Mona. Enough to make anyone snap. If you are able to find it in your heart to forgive me for what I did to you, I can forgive you for what you did to me."

Mona holds out her hand.


Alison shakes her hand.

The other girls show up moments later. Both Alison and Mona wave to them. Emily sees Alison, and her stomach fills with butterflies. All the girls take turns hugging Alison, Emily last. Alison squeezes her tight.

"I have missed you all so much. Especially you, Em."

The girls turn to Mona. Hanna steps forward.

"Why? You were my best friend."

"The anniversary of Ali's disappearance had just passed. It reminded me of how much fun scaring people was. Like I told Ali, I need help. I want to stop. It was just supposed to be silly little messages at first but it escalated too far."

"What made you want to stop?"

"Realizing I pushed Aria into the arms of a monster. Hearing Spencer tell you what happened to Alison. What he did to Ali. It was too much. I spent hours digging through PD archives to find that recording. I knew Ali would never come back if I kept being A and I also knew Aria loves Ezra too much to turn him in herself."

Aria looks down at the ground. Emily looks at Alison.

"How are you going to explain you disappearing?"

"I'll tell them I was afraid for my life. That isn't a lie. Someone tried to kill me. Twice. But one of them was Mona and she apologized, though it was who ever they found that she hit."

The six of them head to the police station. All heads turn to them when they walk in. Pam is working at the front desk when they walk in. She looks up and her eyes go wide when she sees Alison.

"Hi, Mrs. Fields. I'd like to speak to the officer working my case, please."

"Alison....o-of course."

Pam gets Lt. Tanner. Lt. Tanner asks to speak to Alison alone. Emily grabs Alison's hand.

"It's going to be okay."

Alison smiles before following Lt. Tanner. Alison tells Lt. Tanner everything, except for Mona's confession of homicide. She gives Lt. Tanner Maryanne's number so she can verify Alison's time there and Mona confesses to being A. Mona is sent to Radley, a warrant is put out for Ezra's arrest and Alison is allowed to leave on her own after Lt. Tanner speaks to Maryanne and Anne who had went back working there after Mona's threats. Alison's anti- A team head back to Maryanne's after saying goodbye to Alison.

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