Chapter Five <edited>

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•Chapter 5•

Blake Evans

Ariana pulled away from me so suddenly and turned around to face the source of the voice.

"What?!" She said in disbelief and turned to look back at me questioningly.

I opened my mouth to say something, then closed it again when nothing came to mind. What could I say? I was just as shocked as she was about what had just been said. 

Leaning back to get a view of this person, I saw none other than Mason standing there with his hands crossed against his chest. He had an amused smirk plastered on his face and I wanted nothing but to punch it off.

"What are you talking about?" I said, my voice filled with venom.

"Don't you remember this mornings events?" Mason cocked his head to one side, looking so amused it annoyed the hell out of me.

"I don't even know what you're talking about," I spat at him. 

What the hell happened this morning?

"You were unfaithful to your little bird with a certain someone, were you not?" Mason pressed on the issue, causing me to realise what he was talking about. I was surprised Ariana didn't react to being called a little bird, normally I would have too but at that moment in time I just wanted Mason to stop feeding my girlfriend all those lies.

"Nothing happened this morning with Emily. Whatever she said, she lied to you."

I looked at Ariana finally. She was watching our exchanges with a look of total disbelief on her face. 

"Ari, you've got to believe me nothing happened," She looked at me as if she was trying to figure out whether I was lying or not. I tried to put on my most sincere face, so she would realise I was telling the truth. She finally looked like she believed me and relief washed over me as she nodded at me with a smile on her face.

"He's lying to you, Ariana. Because Emily didn't tell me anything, I saw it myself," Mason realised she believed me and looked so smug to be almost breaking her heart. Why was he doing this?!

"Mason, shut up! You don't know what you saw!" I shouted at him, loosing my cool. Ariana looked at me with her mouth wide open and her eyes widened. I realised what I had just said and groaned.

"Shit! Ari, I know how it sounds but trust me I wasn't unfaithful to you. I swear to it!" I tried convincing her, but now she just looked hurt.

"So you cheated on me, Blake? Was it just this once or were there other times?" Ariana finally spoke in a quiet voice, after Mason had interrupted us.

"I didn't cheat on you Ari, please believe me!" I pleaded.

"You want to know what I saw, Ariana? I saw Emily with her arms around Blake's neck an-" Mason was just making it worse so I exploded.

"SHUT UP, MASON! No one even cares what you have to say!" I yelled at him, standing up abruptly. Ariana cleared her throat.

"I care what Mason has to say," She spoke timidly but somehow with such force, it shut me up and had me staring at her disbelievingly.

This was literally the first time I had witnessed Ariana speaking to or about Mason without being rude and not faking the politeness.

Once again, Mason looked so smug as he started again, "And I saw them in a deep kiss."

"You liar! Don't lie to my girlfriend and expect to get away with it!" I walked towards him and was about to throw a punch at him, when I heard Ariana say something that crashed my world around me.

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