Chapter Twenty

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Dedication to xoiiloveyouhx3 for being such an inspiring fan/reader, if it wasn't for fans like her, my updates would slack alot more than it is. Go follow her and watch out for the story she's hoping to write. I'm sure it's going to be great;)

•Chapter 20•

"Ria. Ria. Ria. R-"

"What Mason?" I snapped, turning around to face him.

We were sitting in class and he was sitting behind me, poking me. Even though I was trying to ignore him, he was starting to annoy me. Especially with this new nickname he had given me. It reminded me that I meant something to him.

"You know how you and Blake have broken up?"

"We're on a break,"

"Yeah, whatever. How about we go on a date?"

"Don't you know what it means for two people to be on a break?" I asked, not wanting to tell him about Levi.

"Yeah, but you can make your own rules up and date others," Mason shrugged.

"Well, I don't want to."

"Are you sure?" He persisted.


"Well, you know where to find me if you change your mind."

"I won't,"

"Well, if you do-"

"But I won't."

"Yeah, but if you do."

I huffed and turned around, focusing on my work.

At the end of the lesson, I grabbed my things and made my way to the lockers. Leaning against my locker, was Blake.

"Hi Blake," I greeted, stealing his attention from his phone.

"Oh hey, Ari." He pushed himself off my locker, allowing me to put my books away.

Once I was done, I turned to face him. "So is there a reason you were guarding my locker?"

He chuckled.

"I don't want anyone slipping love notes in there."

I laughed and shook my head. "No chance of that don't worry,"

"There's plenty of chance for that to happen, Ari. You're too beautiful for anyone to let this chance pass," He replied seriously.

"Loosen up, I haven't got any and I'm pretty sure I won't anyway."

I gave him a reassuring smile and he nodded slowly.

The bell rang, signalling the next class. I waved goodbye to Blake and made my way to the sixth form café.

After buying a hot chocolate, I sat down at a table on my own. I got my phone out and started to read.

I was so absorbed in the book I was reading, I jumped a mile out of my seat when someone sat opposite me and called my name.

I placed a hand on my heart, trying to calm myself down.

"You bloody scared me." I stated, laughing shakily.

Lina laughed and gestured for me to follow her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you so much. You really shouldn't get so into those books you read." She said, when I had discarded the hot chocolate cup and was walking by her side.

"I can't really help it though, can I genius?" I rolled my eyes at her, grinning.

"I guess not. But it's kind of freaky now, 'cause you didn't even hear the bell go."

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