Chapter Fifteen

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•Chapter 15•

Having reached Natalie's house, I was listening to her endless lecture. "... Oh and make sure they get to bed on time, eat all their food and brush their teeth. Remember what to do if they start being naughty or fighting with each other. If they need to go toilet, go with them and make sure someone is ALWAYS keeping an eye on them. When they're sleeping, don't worry about them, just make sure they can't fall off the bed if they're sleeping on a bed and make sure they can't hurt themselves anyhow before you leave them. Don't let them have too much-"

"Chocolate and other junk foods, yes I know. I've heard this lecture about five million times today and about five billion more times every time they sleep over," I cut my sister off from her non stop chatter. She took a deep breath and I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry about a thing, Nat. They'll be perfectly fine and well behaved but still have lots of fun. They will get to bed and school on time and eat all the right foods. Of course I will keep an eye on the little darlings all the time."

I smiled encouragingly at Natalie as she nodded her head, her eyes closed.

"Now who's lecturing who?" She said opening her eyes and smiling. She moved a sleeping Tiger to the other side of her hip. "I know you will take good care of my babies, Ana. It's just a mothers job to worry like this, I can't help it."

Just then, the little darlings came running and hugged my legs tightly.

"Ari Boo! Are we really coming to stay with you and your friends for the whole weekend?" Chris grinned up at me, excitedly.

"Yep you really are, my little angel." I replied, smiling at him.

All three of them yelled "Yaaaay!" and we had to get them to quieten down, before they woke Tiger up. Michael came down, lugging the kids' suitcases down. He put them in the car, while I seated the little darlings in their car seats and did their seat belts for them. Natalie eventually let us go and we left.

On the way to my house, I called Blake and let him know that he should make his way to my house in a few minutes. When we arrived at my house, I let the kids play with Noah and rushed up to my room. I ran into my dad at the top of the stairs, giving him a quick peck on the cheek, I rushed past him.

By the time I was done packing a few more essentials for myself, Blake had arrived. He transferred the suitcases from Noah's car, to his and once the kids were seated we set off to Eliza's house.

The journey to Eliza's was awkward for me and I don't know if it was just me, but I could feel tension in the air. It was making me feel sick and uneasy.

Blake must have felt it too, since he asked, "Is there something on your mind that you wanna tell me, cupcake?"

"No, I'm just tired. Didn't get much sleep, with the sleepover and all." I lied, not wanting the kids to know something was wrong. Plus, it wouldn't be safe if I told him because he might have an accident from shock or whatever but I didn't want that happening with my little darlings in the car.

Blake seemed to have understood this and left it alone, which I was grateful for. At least, he wasn't a total jerk. And yes, I did think he was a jerk for kissing that slut but I did still love him.

We arrived at Eliza's house and Blake unloaded the car. Once the kids were safe with my girls, I pulled Blake to another room.

"You know how you asked if there was something wrong and I said no?" I started and Blake nodded, looking worried. "Well, there is something wrong. Why did you kiss Emily at Lil's party, Blake?"

He looked at me with a blank expression on his face, then it turned to confusion.

"Ari, I don't know what you're talking about..?" He looked at me with that cute, confused face.

I took a deep breath, clearing those unnecessary thoughts from my head. "My girls told me that you kissed Emily at the party."

"Cupcake, I didn't kiss her. I really don't remember kissin her at all."

"So why would my best friends lie to me? Why would they want to hurt me by making up such a lie? Do they hate me so much they wanna ruin my life by making up that ridiculous lie?" I asked, throwing my hands up in exasperation.

"No, Ari. I don't know, there's gotta be. A reason why they told you but I didn't kiss her." Blake cupped my face in his hands, looking at me straight in the eyes. "We went there together, had a fight, broke up and... and... I don't remember anything else. I don't remember going home. I just remember waking up with a banging headache."

"So you got so wasted, you don't even remember what happened? That means you did kiss that stupid slut." I moved my face away from Blake's hands, tears streaking down my face.

"Ari, I really didn't mean to. I was drunk, you know people don't know what they're doing when they're drunk."

"Blake, I do love you and I really don't want to do this-"

"No cupcake, don't do this please." Blake pleaded, grabbing my hand.

"I'm sorry, Blake but I have to. We've just been having way too many relationship problems, I think we need a break from each other."

"Cupcake, if we love each other enough, we can work this out." I loved hearing him call me cupcake but this would probably be the last time.

"Blake, don't make this harder than it already is. What we really need is a break to just have a little space and clear out heads." I smiled weakly.

"If that's what you want. I love you so much cutie,"

Blake said, kissing my hand. "Don't forget that. I would do anything for you, cupcake. That's why I'm agreeing to his break, cause you want it. Goodbye Ari, I love you.

He let go and turned, walking out of the room. Taking a deep breath, I followed him. He was saying bye to the girls and kids. Glancing at me for a second, he left.

I smiled bravely, not wanting to cry in front of my nephew and nieces. I would anything to protect them from experiencing or seeing someone suffer from hurt. That's how much they meant to me.

"Ari Boo, are we going to see Blake again?" Chris looked at me, expectantly.

I sighed and shook my head. "I don't know, baby."

"You will get to see someone who is just as cool though," Dina cut in, obviously seeing how hard I was taking this. Smiling gratefully, I let out a shaky breath in an attempt not to break down right there and then. "His names Levi and he's my best friend."

Chris gasped. "Levi?! That's such a cool name! When can I meet him?!"

It cheered me up, seeing Chris so happy to meet Levi. He had clearly forgotten about Blake and I wished I could too. Actually I could, just like Chris had thought about Levi instead, I thought about Levi and how much of a cool, good looking guy he was.

"Ree, come with me." Lina said, interrupting my thoughts. Oh great, just when my plan was working so well.

She led me into the room I had just come out of with Blake and wrapped me in a tight hug. That hug forced all the sobs out of my throat and wouldn't stop.

I had finally let out all my tears and it felt so much better. I gave us a break so we could calm things down a little, there was nothing to be upset about. This gave me a good kind of feeling and it kind of felt like I was floating.

"So what exactly happened, Ree?" Lina broke into my thoughts, once again.

"I said we needed a break," I replied, shrugging. "Come on, lets go find out when Levi gets here."

I started walking out but Lina stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "Ree, you don't have to hide behind that. You don't have to pretend to look forward to seeing Levi. We understand your hurting."

"You know what's weird? I'm not," I turned around to look at Lina, smiling. "I'm really not hurting. And I'm honestly looking forward to seeing Levi. You don't remember how eager I was for him to come?"

"Typical Ariana." Lina shook her head and we walked out the room, laughing.

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AN~ Chapters are most likely to be updated weekly from now on, sorry! Don't forget to COTE though!;)

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