Chapter 3

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I try to get to him,but the teachers holds me I began to sob "Please let me see him!" I do everything I possibly could to make them let me through I see the ambulance car and then two guys put him in the ambulance car.

Right after school, I go visit him. He is sitting up fully dressed drinking a bottle of water anger flashes through me and I push him real hard. "How could you scare me like that?! I thought you" I began to sob he pulls me close and wipes my tears away. "Louise, I know i'm a prankster and all,but I would NEVER scare you like that I can't stand to see you cry." I hold on to him crying "Then what happened?" First he leaned in and kissed me which helped me calm down. "I don't know, they don't know,they are going to make an appointment for me to come back in and do some blood tests." He flinched as he said that. Lets just say my big tough guy doesn't take or handle needles to well.

I look at him in the eyes "Promise me you will go." He roles his eyes "I will think on it." I grip his arm "Jonathan promise me please." I look at him with pleadful eyes. He groans "Ok,ok don't cry no more ." I smile and I force him to let me drive him home. The drive is silent "Are you going to tell your parents?" He looks at me like I'm a idiot "Louise, come on it wasn't that bad, I just got dizzy, so no I'm not gonna give my mom and dad a heart attack over me getting dizzy get real." I snap at him "I AM real!" For the first time in a long time Jonathan snapped back. "STOP BEING SUCH A DRAG YOUR SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN ALWAYS TELLING ME WHAT TO DO NOT ANYMORE SO SHUT YOUR FACE!" The tears swell up in my eyes he can obviously see i'm hurt. "Oh,babe Im sorry ok Its just. You know how I feel about my mom and dad I dont wanna scare them." I wipe my tears away and pull into his drive. He goes to kiss me,but I pull way. He mumbles something then gets out of the car and heads inside and I drive home crying. 'Something has to be wrong with him, he never yells at me.' I park the car and head inside feeling. Angry and sadness, but mostly fear for Jonathan.

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