Chapter 6

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I finally find Jonathan's room and walk in there he is sitting up he is still pale as a ghost and looks tired I tell him to sleep,but he refuses to. He looks down "I'm in trouble ain't I?" My heartbreaks I do my best to stay strong "No you are not just really ill thats all." He looks at me "Don't lie Louise." I walk up to him and try to hug him,but he slaps my arms away "No Louise! I don't know if it's contagious."

I try not to look stunned 'He doesn't know yet.' I sit on the bed and the doctors come into the room smiling at him, but glaring at me "Well mam please next time before you run off like a mad woman let us take you to the room instead." They inform me with a growl in there voice.

Now Jonathan, how are you feeling Jonathan looks at them like there retarded and sarcastically says "Oh well I feel great you know having god awful night sweats,burning fevers, and severe headaches so yea I feel wonderful. I can't help but laugh and neither can the nurses. "Well Jonathan we gotta tell you some bad news before the good news." They look at me "Please we only want his mom and dad in the room at this time."

I look at Jonathan he nods his head telling me to go ahead and leave. I leave the room and watch, Martha and Chuck sit down and then the doctors tell Jonathan what is happening to him.

For a second or two he just looks shocked, then he does it and breaks down crying Martha goes to him trying to comfort him,but she is crying just as hard.

I slide down the wall, and put my head in my knees and began to softly cry. The love of my life is in pain and scared and I can't help him. I want to have cancer too the slightest thought of him not being with me kills me it really does kill me. I see my mom standing down the hall I get up "Are you happy mother are you satisfied now that he is dieing are you!?" She goes to say something,but I cut her off "From this moment on I swear on my daddy's grave! I will be at this hospital every single day no matter what you say.

"Now wait just a min..." My mom shouts,but I didn't hear the rest I was already out the door crying. Why does this have to happen to me Jonathan is the love of my life. I get to a field and scream into the sky "Wasn't taking my father away enough!? Why my lord why do you hurt me this way why?!" I fall to my knees and let the rain fall on me. I can't move, can't breathe I just fell over and let the rain pour down on me.

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