{ 58: snow day! }

58 2 29

inspired by the fact that it's too fucking cold outside (it's 0°/1° fahrenheit here) and. yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(will not be including the holidays though since i don't really— like them lol)


scenario 1:
your basic snow day/snowed in scenario.
all of ninjago is covered in a blanket of snow, causing it to be absolutely freezing inside. since everyone actually has common sense, the ninja + the citizens of the island all stay inside. shenanigans ensue

scenario 2:
due to the cold + snow outside, the ninja stay inside. while the others are doing their own things, (oc) and (crush) want to cookies together.

scenario 3:
(note— (oc) DOESN'T know the ninja or their crush in this scenario)

while out on a hike near the monastery (for some reason-), (oc) ends up getting caught in a snowstorm that is hitting ninjago and passes out.

(crush), who heard something from inside, rushes out to find an unconscious + freezing (oc) lying there.

scenario four:
make your own lmao

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