Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Karna was ready to jump and catch Mei but then stopped himself when a hand grabbed Mei's hand stopping her from falling. Karna looked at who it is and was surprised to find a white haired girl who seemed Mei's age save her.

"Yay! I saved Mei-senpai!" Kiana shouted happily.

Her parents were looking at Kiana's behaviour and smiled at her. But the way she was acting about Mei struck them as a bit odd.

The other members of the audience who were worried for Mei sighed in relief when they saw her being saved.

Mei herself was surprised to see Kiana save her. HoT was intrigued when she saw this while Karna let out a sigh in relief when he saw this.

"Well, looks like you have good friends after all." Karna said to her with a smile.

Mei remained silent when she heard him as she saw his smiling face.

"Oh thank God." Karna said as he looked as the smiling white haired girl pulled the stunned Mei back to the roof.

Karna then ran to the back of the school and then jumped and grabbed to the side of the back of the school and jumped upwards until he was standing behind the building covering the stairs which opened to the roof from which Mei and Kiana presumably entered. He peeked at the two girls from the side.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" Kiana shouted at him.

"Uh making sure that it is fine." Karna said to her.

"I'm there!" Kiana said indignantly.

"Look kid, I don't know you so I probably wanted to check on her. And why are you acting like that. Are you guys a couple or something?" Karna asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Mei's face became red when she heard that while HoT looked at him a bit surprised. Kiana meanwhile smiled brightly when she heard this.

"That's right. I'm going to marry Mei-senpai!" Kiana shouted excitedly.

All of the people present looked at her with wide eyes while some like Rin was jaw dropped. Her family were slack jawed when they heard her. Karna was also very surprised when he heard that. He then looked at Mei and then at Kiana. He looked between them for a few more times before he came to a conclusion.

"It's one sided isn't it?" Karna said to her.

"Agh! For now! I will make sure that Mei senpai returns my feelings!" Kiana proclaimed.

"Huh." Karna simply said in response.

"That's hot." Siegfried muttered to Cecilia.

This resulted in him getting smacked at the back of his head by Cecilia and Theresa.

"Yay! I saved you. Are you okay Mei senpai?" Kiana asked happily.

"W-Why?" Mei asked stumped.

"Why what?" Kiana asked confused.

"Why did you save me? You know who my father is don't you. So why did you save me?" Mei asked her.

"So what! I told you I love you senpai! I don't care what your father did I still love you!" Kiana announced proudly with a smile.

Mei was gobsmacked when she heard that as she looked at her with wide eyes. Karna was also wide eyed as he looked at their direction.

"Wow, no hesitation." Karna said surprised.

Mei was now red in the face and HoT now sported a small blush on her face. Kiana's family, along with Theresa and Himeko were looking at the tuna surprised at her proclamation.

Reacting:- Honkai Impact: Herrscher of the SunWhere stories live. Discover now