Chapter 3 (Part 2)

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(A/N: I read the last chapter and saw that I said Roman sat beside Li Sushang. Well I'm here to inform you that he saw left to Raiden Mei so that you won't be confused.)

"Right, I decided to give you guys drinks and snacks. Here." Lugia snapped his fingers as drinks and the favourite snacks of each person appeared in front of them.

The next image showed Karna who is cooking while Kiana is looking at the food with hungry eyes as she was grabbing onto his right arm while Karna is smiling with a sweat drop.

"It's meeeeee!" Kiana shouted in horror when she saw it.

The chains had also disappeared from her body at this point so she was free to move. Cecilia, Siegfried and Theresa widened their eyes when they saw Kiana with Karna.

"Wow, he didn't leave her as well." Himeko said in an impressed tone.

"You're quite the lucky guy aren't you." Kalpas said as he turned to Karna.

"I honestly don't know what to say. She was obsessed with you wasn't she?" Karna asked Mei.

"I don't know." Mei said not knowing what to feel about it.

"You two seem like good friends." Roman said beside Mei.

'She's annoying.' HoT thought as she narrowed her eyes at the on screen Kiana.

The next one showed Kiana being tutored by Karna at the table in front of the couch. Kiana is scratching her head in confusion while Bronya was watching them from the couch. Mei was looking at them with a smile as she was in an apron cooking.

"But but, why isn't Mei senpai teaching me~?" Kiana whined when she saw it.

"Now now Kiana, it looks like you like him." Cecilia said to her daughter.

"It looks like it. I don't think Kiana would let someone that she didn't like teach her." Siegfried said agreeing with her.

"As much as it annoys me the idiot is right." Theresa said nodding her head.

"Mom, dad, aunty~!" Kiana whined when she heard her family supporting it.

Durandal looked at the family interaction between the four and sported a frown on her face which was noticed by Rita who placed her hand on top of Durandal's to confort her.

"She is really smitten with you huh?" Karna asked dryly when he saw her reaction.

"I still don't know why." Mei said tiredly.

The next one showed Karna who was sleeping on his bed with a sleeping Kiana hugging him as her face was on top of his chest.

"But but but, what about Mei senpai~!?" Kiana said utterly confused.

"My my, it looks like these images are breaking her." Elysia said with a teasing smile.

"Poor girl." Eden said with a soft smile with Aponia nodding with her.

Griseo was just looking at the picture while Kalpas was making a thumbs up at the screen. Vill-V just grinned while Pardofelis remembered how she used to sleep with can.

Herrscher of Sentience was laughing her ass of at the white haired tuna's reaction.

'I don't know how to feel about it since she does have my face.' Kallen thought to herself.

"Our little girls growing up. She's already marking her territory." Cecilia said as a tear dropped from her eye.

"Now now Cecilia, I don't think Kiana would like to hear that from you." Siegfried said as he looked at Kiana who has swirls in her eyes.

Reacting:- Honkai Impact: Herrscher of the SunWhere stories live. Discover now