Chapter 3 (Part 9)

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"Karna, catch!" Lugia suddenly said to the boy.

The others were confused at that but the boy then looked up and saw a portal opening and the faint sound of a girl screaming could be heard. Then an orange haired girl fell out of the portal as Karna spread his arms and caught her as said girl hugged him for dear life.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. I won't steal your sweets again!" The girl shouted with tears in her eyes.

The assembled group only blinked at her words.

"Um, no one here is going to do anything to you." Karna said to her.

This got the girl to slowly open her eyes. The sight that greeted her was of Karna's very handsome (let's not kid here) face with the light heightening his beauty as the girls face became red as she looked at how she is.

'I-I'm in the hands of a h-h-handsome boy!' The girl thought to herself with a red face as steam came out of her head.

Something which caused the girls beside Karna to growl as Parvati, Mei and HoT looked at the girl.

"Alright, now introduce yourself so that I can get this show on the road." Lugia said to her as he got her out of her thoughts.

Hearing that the girl got out of his grasp with a red face.

'He works fast.' The boys thought to themselves.

"O-Oh right. Um, I'm Susannah, a Valkyrie of Schicksal. Umm, nice to meet you!" Susannah said as she saluted.

Susannah then noticed the other Valkyrie's and Otto in the midst as she had stars in her eyes at them

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Susannah then noticed the other Valkyrie's and Otto in the midst as she had stars in her eyes at them. Then Lugia explained to her about the situation and as to why she is here. Then he gave her the memories of the previous viewings.

Safe to say that her eyes widened as big as saucers when she saw the images as her face turned red as she became flustered. Especially the suit, the handsome red suit.

"Ehhh! Durandal-sama, Rita-sama and Li-sama!" Susannah said flustered as she looked at them with a red face.

Then she had a realisation as she looked at Karna who sighed.

"D-Does that mean that I'll be with him as well!" Susannah shouted at that.

"Who knows?" Lugia said with a shurg of his shoulders.

Meanwhile the other girls grumbled about it while Karna sweat dropped. Lugia then told Susannah to sit at a place she likes to which she sat with Schicksal.

"Alright, now let's start the viewing." Lugia said as the screen came to life.

The next image showed Amber who seems to be explaining something to Karna as she showed him a tablet.

"Of course, cause why wouldn't he!" Otto said with a smile which didn't match the situation.

"Otto-sama?" Amber asked ignoring the image.

Reacting:- Honkai Impact: Herrscher of the SunWhere stories live. Discover now