Chapter 3 (Part 5)

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The next image showed Karna and Bianka walking in a park in normal clothes as they were happily talking.

"Me?" Durandal said surprised.

"Well I guess it has to happen at some point." Siegfried said to her.

"Wait, if Durandal's here then that means Rita might be next." Li said as she looked at the maid.

"I don't think so, I'm a maid of Schicksal after all." Rita said to her.

"He even got the top Valkyrie of Schicksal." Kalpas said as he looked at the image.

"Well, it was to be expected like he said." Su said to him.

"I can't wait to see the other pictures." Pardo said with a smile.

The next one showed Bianca playing with a few kids in the park while Karna is watching with a smile on his face.

"Oh, so you like to play with kids Durandal?" Rita asked her friend.

"Yes, well I would like to but I don't have the time." Durandal said to her.

"Must be why I am there. I might've brought you there if you told me about it." Karna said to her.

"Well, you like little kids as well don't you Karna. I mean, you were the children's favourite." Parvati said to him with a smile.

"True." Karna said with a smile.

Raven meanwhile was looking at the image and then at Karna when she heard him talk. Cocalia also heard what he said as she glanced at his direction. Rozaliya smiled at this.

Otto meanwhile was thinking of plans to prevent Durandal from staying with Karna for too long. Kallen was oblivious to this as she smiled at the children with whom Durandal is playing.

The next one showed Bianca in a Magical Girl Teriri outfit as she is waving the wand with a huge smile on her face. Karna meanwhile came out of the bathroom wearing a pant and using a towel as he looked at Durandal with wide eyes with Durandal also looking at him with a smile on her face while in the pose.

"Whaaaaaaaat!" Durandal shouted when she saw it.

"Oh Durandal, I didn't know you liked that." Rita said to her friend surprised.

"You look cute." Li said happily.

"I, no, uh..." Durandal tried to defend herself but couldn't find the words to.

Rozaliya was laughing her ass of at the image.

"That's... unexpected." Karna said as he blinked his eyes.

"Yes, it seems the nun has corrupted her." HoT said with a twitch of her eyebrow.

"Is she really a nun? Cause I don't think they're supposed to encourage that." Parvati said with a strained smile on her face.

Parvati however looked closely at Karna who was shirtless.

'On another hand my little Karna has such a good body! And those abs and pecs, he looks so handsome!' Parvati then thought with a smile and a blush.

Theresa felt her reputation crashing when she heard the two girl's.

"Huh, guess you corrupted her." Siegfried said with a surprised face.

That did not help her.

HoT and Mei were also a bit focused on his exposed upper body. Mei felt her face heat up while the Herrscher was more controlled. Kiana also got a look at his body and felt her face heat up as it became red which was understandable considered she has never seen the naked body of a man before. Her parents and family took notice of this however.

Reacting:- Honkai Impact: Herrscher of the SunWhere stories live. Discover now