Chapter 4

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A familiar portal appeared in the theatre as Lugia of this theatre walked out of it. He raised his eyes at the people who were out of their seats. He then used his powers to know what had happened before looking at Siegfried with a deadpan look.

"I have only been gone for a few minutes and this happens?" Lugia asked them as he looked at them.

"It's his fault." Karna said as he pointed at Siegfried.

Siegfried was about to protest but Cecilia immediately attacked him and knocked him out much to the surprise of the people there. The woman meanwhile sighed in relief that she was able to stop her husband.

"Alright, get back to your seats and we can go back to the viewing of your world which is the continuation of course." Lugia said to them as he clapped his hands.

The audience did as they were told as they went and sat at their seats with Mei to Karna's left and HoT to his right with Parvati to the Herrscher's right as she pouted at the seating arrangement. Karna sweatdropped a bit at seeing his sister's expression and also at the glare that he was feeling from Kiana who is looking at him with gritted teeth at being seated between two Mei's.

"Sorry about the delay guys, hope you enjoy it." Lugia said as he looked at the screen.

The audience wasn't able to hear him as he had made it so they couldn't hear him.

"Alright, eyes on the screen everyone." Lugia said as they looked at the screen.

Chapter 3

The screen lit up and showed the city of Nagazora which is in a dire state as the building are damaged and many of the stores have also been broken. The road and many of the things have been broken and Honkai zombies and beasts can be seen roaming the streets.

"Damnit." Siegfried who was now awake said with gritted teeth.

Many on the fight against the Honkai looked at the scene with grim faces as they knew that it is an event that is about to happen in the future.

"Hmm, it would appear that my awakening is near." HoT said with a smirk as she sat cross legged.

"This can't be good." Durandal with a serious face as she saw the scene.

Many of the Valkyrie's looked at the scene with various grim faces as Kiana was being hugged by her mother as the audience watched the scene play in front of them.

"Heh." Sirin smirked when she saw it as she and her retainers were happy to see it.

Then there were those like Jyahnar and HotE who were neutral about it as they looked at the screen.

Then two figures were shown running through the streets as the screen focused on them showing that the two were Kiana and Mei who were still in their school uniforms and are running through the road.

"Mei-senpai run fast!" Kiana said to Mei as she gripped her handguns.

"Okay Kiana-chan." Mei said to her as she also carried a Katana in her hand which looked like the one that a Honkai zombie would use.

"Yay! It's me and Mei-senpai!" Kiana said happily when she saw it.

"I don't think it is a thing to be happy about considering what is happening right now." Wendy said with a sweatdrop at the girls enthusiasm.

"You really have a pretty eccentric friend." Roman said with a short laugh.

"I... guess?" Mei said a bit confused as she hadn't actually been saved by Kiana yet and she now has her eyes on Karna due to how he acts around her and the images she had seen.

Reacting:- Honkai Impact: Herrscher of the SunWhere stories live. Discover now