
491 7 0

- begging for demon levi to save your life

- angst

- hehe

-tw: blood & self harm


It wasn't the rain that brought dread in his heart, it was her desperation that made him question who he really was.

I'm no angel nor genie, yet here she comes begging for hope. She treated me like a high being, sacred, and respected. Why the hell is she asking for my help? the fucking demon? the one who shouldn't be praised.

Levi's eyes darkened. He remained still, restrained from this confusion. He knew her, well he didn't really. He just had the ability to know every human in Earth. He knows their faith, morals, and sins. Now why is this girl begging on her knees for happiness to a demon?

'Not one flaw did she create to anger any angel when she could even pass as one.'  he thought.

"please save me.." he kicks her hand that was holding his leather shoes tight as if she's hanging from a cliff.

"take my life, take my pride, any! just make me happy for once! i can die when i reach the age of 30" he grunts as he heard the numbers. He too died when he was 30 and he became a demon since. Why? Because he didn't follow whatever God he was under. He hated how goodness was essential yet he could see demons being respected from above. He disobeyed now he's here, a demon who a desperate girl needs badly.

"i'll be happy no matter what!" she says, but this time no more looking at his shoes or the concrete floor that was messily decorated with a spawn she made with her blood that came from her wrist. She was looking at his eyes, she met the demon's cold eyes.

"you're no different from all of the idiots i have dealt with." he lies. He clicked his tongue when she shook her head. She knows what she wants and she knows how good she has been.

"i beg of you, you're the only one who can save me." she almost reached out to hold him yet she refrained, not wanting to anger him more.

"how about your God? Why didn't he help you?" He heard no immediate answer, only sobing. Then she spoke,

"he didn't, no one did. no one came, not even a sign or a slight gesture." her voice was almost muted. words were hushed and rusty.

Levi spoke none. He was once again questioning why on Earth did she find a way to summon him. He remembered he burned every book about him, he remembered wrong.

He sighs, regretting how not all demons were sadist.

"what if you'll enjoy the life i will give you?" she looked at him confused. What does he mean by that? Of course she'll enjoy it, every single second she would treasure.

"w-what do you mean?"

"what if you started loving life? what if you started loving living again? will you forget about our deal and run away from it?" he knows you would, well he thinks you would. Who would even want to die when you're living the grand?

"i won't."

"you think i never heard of that before—"

"when i told you to take me, i meant take every piece of me. my pride, wealth, organs and soul. you can come for my death without any warnings. i won't." she vowed.

he didn't know what to do.
he was simply feeling empathetic
towards a human being.

"what will i gain from this." he asked loudy to himself. nothing, he answers.

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