"The tea's getting cold, Levi"

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-i have an addiction with Levi liking you first before you could even get to know him well. ENJOY Y'ALL! LOVE U


There is no room for denial when it comes to the topic of Levi's favorite. It is you, only you.

It started when he was still training with his two friends, Isabel and Farlan. He saw how you helped Isabel with horses and Farlan just can't shut up about comparing the similarities with interest between you and him. Levi didn't hate you at first, but he simply didn't care if you're kind. He had a mission to do and he's doing it.

When Farlan and Isabel passed away, you were there to give Levi his favourite tea and left him alone for privacy. You remembered Farlan told you how Levi likes tea, especially black tea and you just want to show support. That alone made him aware of how you are. Giving him tea didn't stand out so much for him at first, but when he get to see how you fight with your colleagues, he noticed how you similar you two were. The way you hold your gear is the same as him. He liked your leadership skills and your intelligence. Though he didn't train for that long, he wanted you to be in his squad. He was delighted to hear when Erwin assigned you to be in his squad after successfully showing your daredevil skills infront of Erwin.

"you'd love her, Levi. give her a chance" Erwin tries to persuade Levi

"she better be." oh he already knows how much he'll love being with you.


It's been 2 months since being in Levi's squad and Levi and Y/n has gotten close. One night, Levi coincidentally went to the mess hall and saw you spacing out. He was silent and assumed you didn't saw him but secretly, you were looking at his careful actions through your peripheral vision. You asked him kindly if he wanted to join you for a drink. He was hesitant at first since he was shy but soon enough, this happened often.

You started noticing the patterns. You always have a private time with yourself every 11:30 pm and Levi's been going out from his office since then.

You wanted to test out your theory. The theory of "Levi likes your company, hence why he goes out coincidentally to drink tea with you and talk about deep things."

You were sitting patiently infront of the mess hall. The candle's the only light source and it calms you down. The sound it makes as it melts the candle wax makes you feel at rest even after all of those problem. Your ears picked up the nimbling footstep approaching the mess hall. You smiled knowing who this person was

—The door creaked open revealing Levi.

"hi" you smiled adoringly as you looked at him like you were expecting this— which you were. Levi can't help but feel embarrassed. With your smile, he knew you found out about the pattern of him going here just to talk to you.

"the tea's getting cold, Levi" you looked at the cup you prepared for him "come here" with those words, he walks with this small smile he has on. silly him, was he too obvious with how he likes your company.

"what are we having today?"

"just some earl gray and dry bread" he hums before drinking his tea.The both of you created a comforting silence that's not foreign between you two, You know one would speak up anyway.

"i've noticed how you come out at your clean office at this time" Levi's cheeks burned as you pointed out his actions. This stoic man couldn't even plan a made up reason to why he goes here. Suddenly, he's this innocent loverboy.

"you make good tea, can't miss out on that one" his words rolled out smoothly but deep inside he was dying. he didn't particularly lie at whatever he said, but that's not the exact reason why.

"then you should've left immediately," you smirked as his defeated eyes looks at yours "but here you are"

he no longer can't find a new excuse (he didn't want to) so he just tilted his head with a grin and sipped on his tea once again.

"I knew it!" he rolls his eyes as you continue to tease him

"am i now your favorite, Levi?" you sang but since you were tired, it sounded like you were saying it in a flirtatious way and it made him weak

"shut up" he tries to dismiss

"okay but in all honesty, i too find this tea and talk comforting" you pushed your chair closer to him and he wished you couldn't hear how loud his heart was beating

"are you enjoying this too?"
"can you stop asking questions?" she knew Levi and she knew what his response meant so she smiles. Levi thought he was being too mean. Suddenly this man started caring about his words just because of this girl

"o-of course i enjoy this.." fuck my heart can't just stop beating faster.

"everytime we're having this, i feel like we're kings and queens" does that mean we're married? he thought

"why's that?"

"it's because we're having a nice tea party!" your enthusiam made him feel better. the way the candle light reflects on your eye made it seem like your eyes sparkled as you talk to him. it made you too good to be true. He now understands all the praises Isabel and Farlan gave you. You are the the moon he desperately finds as he stares hopelessly at the dark sky.

"guess we're suited to be royalty then" he jokes

"true, but we're better than.. the king, you know!" he stayed silent but nods since he knows you have something to tell him more

"remember when we talked about the laws we would create last night?"

"yeah, what about it?" he looks at you interested

"your answers are life changing! my life would be better if you ruled it!" is that a compliment? he looks away as he was flattered with your sudden praise

"i was only being practical, Y/n."

"still better than our current king. swear i would've give you my utmost respect if you were a royalty"

"you do realize i need someone else in order to be a king, right?"

"wait— they still do that?" he nods

"i'll be your wife just so you could be crowned king then" his eyes widen and his throat was burning with how he gulped the hot tea so fast


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