Laundry Mate

413 17 8

- your maybe friendly neighbor, Levi

- laundry mates ;)


Moving out from Shiganshina and finally affording to live in Sina is a goal you never knew you would reach. Happiness doesn't stop there, you get to live in a fancy apartment and own a nice car. Your journey wasn't an overnight miracle. It took you many crying sessions with the moon to reach this lifestyle.

It was a late evening on a Friday night. Usually, you'd go downstairs at around 4:30 pm to do your laundry but unfortunately, that's not the case today. You got home late from your work, deciding to finish some reports so that you could just focus on the presentation you have next Monday.

The clock says it's 9 pm and you didn't even get to change into your comfortable wear. It'll take you about 3 minutes to grab your laundry bag and wait for the elevator. You tie your hair as you let out a stressful sigh, you were pretty annoyed how you didn't have time to eat dinner today but you didn't want to wait till tomorrow to do your laundry since all of your clothes are in the bag now.

You left 3 minutes ago and you're now in front of the elevator. As the door opens, you saw a familiar face.

It was your neighbor who lives 3 floors above you— his name is Levi.

You were shocked to see him there and he was too but he looks more composed than you. You entered, breaking eye contact, and stared at the door as it closes.

He's what you call your laundry mate. You met him after 1 week of living in the building. Saw him doing his laundry downstairs and then all he does is go through his phone or sometimes get busy with his laptop as he waits. Then another week came by and he was there again, then again, then again, then again.

You didn't know him yet at the same time you do. You know his name, his laundry detergent, and his apartment floor. It was so weird how you find his presence fun even without talking to him. You wish you two would share a conversation but all you did was exchange glances and somewhat smile— well you do and he just nods.

You weren't trying to meet his eyes but they instinctively landed on his which were looking at you too.

Your heart skipped a beat and the grip on your laundry bag tightened. You sweat, not knowing what to do with the eye contact so you smiled awkwardly.

"Laundry?" fuck why did I have to ask that? Of course, he is! He's holding his white laundry bag— I'm so fucking stupid.

He nods with a small smile, "yeah." he says.

— with that reply, you finally get to hear his voice well. You didn't hear his voice before, maybe you did but it wasn't that clear since you're always wearing earphones that blasted music to distract you from thinking of him. But oh my his voice is making me falter.

"You're a bit.. late today" your cheeks started to hurt when he continued the conversation.

"Ahh, yeah.." you laughed nervously, "Had to finish some reports today and I didn't want to do my laundry tomorrow since I have nothing to wear." your words were quick as you end your answer. You realized late how you've said something too detailed to your neighbor who you currently don't know much about.

I fucking over shared.

Not the type to embarrass me even more, I stayed silent as we both anxiously wait for the doors to open.

Yes, it won't take so long. No, it did feel so long.

I ran fast as the door opens. We were walking in the same direction except he was way behind me. I was internally screaming and judging myself, tempted not to look back.

Levi ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now