From Dust Till Dawn

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It was Yang that bought Ruby to Vale.

Okay, that was a simplification.

It was actually Yang going to beacon academy tomorrow that bought Ruby to Vale. Dad was busy with paperwork for Signal, so she and Yang had been given money and told to 'celebrate'. Naturally this meant that Yang ditched her to go to some 'cool' club that Ruby couldn't go to.

And so Ruby went to a local dust shop.


Well... not exactly alone.

"Ruby. Oh! Ruby!" Called out a far too enthusiastic voice.

Giving a full body sigh Ruby said "Yes, caboose?"

"Can we get this blue dust for nice Church?" Ruby gingerly looked at the cobalt, electric dust which was, surprisingly expensive for some reason.

"Maybe later Caboose" She told him gently, the notion of her dad being 'Nice Church' being a sore subject between caboose and the rest of the group as while Taiyang did sound like Church; the syntax, means of expression and tone where all different. As such Caboose took to calling her dad 'Nice Church'.

Caboose nodded and went back to his browsing, allowing Ruby to go back to her own browsing of the magazine section of the shop.

She looked at the titles, 'Vale weapons weekly', 'Mechs today' and 'shotguns today'. speaking of shotguns...

"I'm telling you with the power of my mighty shotgun-" Washington's voice climbed another octave as he cut sarge off "And i'm telling you Grimm. Cannot. Be. Weaponized! Not even using a shotgun!"

Ruby sighed, that particular argument had been going in circles for hour now even sense she read an article about Grimm in capture, which had Sarge remark about how if he had a shotgun he could easily control a Grimm and set it on the blues, which caused Washington to disagree. Leading to now.

Tired of the the argument she pulled out her headphones, set them on her head and pulled up her hood.

She pulled out her scroll and hit shuffle. Loud music filtered through her ears as she recognised the beat, it was on of her favourites. "Faaaaallling toward the skyyyyyy, waiting for myyyy ride."

Her head moved with the beat as she continued to browse the magazines. Ohhhhhh the latest issue of 'huntresses and hunters legends' had just came out!

She reached over to take it off the rack she felt a tapping on her shoulder. Turning around she saw a well dressed man in a suit with Sarge and Wash standing behind him. She paused the song and took off her headphones. "Yes?" She asked eloquently.

"I said, put your hands in the air, now!" The bargain bin criminal demanded.

Ruby looked at her invisible friends for clarification "Is he... robbing me?"

"unfortunately" came wash's reply, which contrasted with sarge's "yeah, sic-em!" ruby nodded "Ooohhh..."

Using her semblance, she moved faster than the robber could react and punched and pushed him through the shop window, sending them both outside. The other men that were robbing the store looked outside as Ruby got up and unfolded Crescent Rose into its scythe form.

The guy in the white suit scowled, but Ruby smiled back at him before twirling her weapon around, striking it into the ground, daring them to attack. The (what she presumed was) leader seemed confused by her. "Okayyy..." He gestured to his remaining henchmen.

"Get her!"

The henchmen headed out of the shop and ran at Ruby, who spun around on top of her scythe and kicked the first approaching criminal in the face. She pulled Crescent Rose out of the ground and fired it off to hit another of the henchmen with the butt of her weapon, sending him flying. She fired again and brought the side down on one attacker and dodged the next's gunfire with her rifle's speed, getting close enough to knock him into the air and followed him upwards so she could beat him towards the bad guy's feet.

Red (And Blue) Like Roses: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now