Old Friends, New Problems

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At several millennia old, very few things surprised Ozpin.

Sure they still happened, mostly things like a powerful huntsman being killed by a beowolf or a team of students stopping a Goliath.

But it has been centuries sense Ozpin had been true caught off guard and surprised.

Which made this particular occasion all the more memorable.

For the fiftieth time this night, the footage on the screen played in front of him.

Miss Rose was on one knee, having been taken out out the fight by one of her pawns, in this case an enterprising criminal named Roman Torchwick. A former Beacon student that had dropped out in his third year following the deaths of the rest of his team in a mission gone wrong. Looking at him years later, Ozpin could still see some traces, of the smart-mouthed boy that had now wasted his potential, following that fateful mission. Torchwick fired a shot from his weapon, the same from his school days, and it hit the supports of a crane, sending the cargo it held into free-fall over Miss Rose.

In most cases this would have resulted in the death of Miss Rose, baring the rescue from one of her teammates. But instead, something unexpected happened.

Miss Rose stumbled to the side like she was being pushed, and then she was enveloped in an glowing armour that deflected the container. It would then proceed to deflect a missile sent by a desperate member of the white fang.

At this Ozpin paused the footage and enhanced it on young Miss Rose.

She was clearly visible under the armour, which reminded him of the atlas military. But this was not one of James' projects. Nor was this any other thing to do with technology.

No, this was quiet clearly a semblance. But not Miss Rose's own semblance.

This seemed to be some form of secondary semblance.

An impossibility.

Of course, there had been rumours of people with more than one semblance for as long as the concept itself was around. But they were just that. rumours. Stories told between drunks and the boastful. Often either being lies, mistakes made in the dark, or more rarely, one of the maidens showing off their power.

But this was none of those.

This was a clear case of a secondary semblance being developed. Something unheard of, even in stories of silver eyed warriors.

Undoubtedly, her pawn would report this to her, either directly or threw another pawn.

Ruby Rose, the girl with silver eyes, seemingly had a secondary semblance.

Ozpin would have to research this, consult all of his contacts related to Miss Rose and do a lot of reading on fairy tales.

It is possible that this development could prove advantageous. But it would have to be closely monitored.

He would start tomorrow where team RPBY would be interrogated, but until then he had reports from mistral of unusual activity in one of the forests.

This looked like a job for a certain Qrow...


Qrow would be lying if he said going to a bar was a rare occurrence for him.

But after a full day of searching, for what ever was messing with the Grimm of mistral with no luck. Qrow was fairly certain he deserved a drink with a big kick.

As such, he was now sitting on stool at the end of the counter, nursing his drink.

Oz had sent him out hear to investigate reports of massive Grimm activity in the nearby forest, but when he finally arrived here he was met with a forest that was absent of Grimm, like some kinda huntsman, had torn through all the Grimm, but while trees had a great amount of damage done to them, there were no huntsman anywhere near this place.

Red (And Blue) Like Roses: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now