2: choi seungcheol

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I hadn't even been back to school for 20 seconds before Choi Seungcheol showed up to initiate the domino effect of crushes that would ruin my seventh year.

Stumbling over my two left feet and faceplanting had been my usual exit off of the train over the past seven years, and I was used to just giggling and picking myself back up off the ground before trudging towards the carriages with my friends.

So when two hands reached out desperately to intercept my inevitable plummet out of the train, to say I was caught off guard would be an understatement.

Instead of being met harshly with the familiar impact of the ground below, I felt either side of my robes suddenly bunch up, as if someone had tightly taken them into their fists.

Which indeed, a Gryffindor in my year by the name of Choi Seungcheol had.

He used the material he grabbed hold of to pull me back upwards into the train compartment, sending me crashing into his chest at the force with which he hauled.

The fact he didn't immediately get sent flying backwards at the weight of my body hitting his chest was already attractive to me, but then I turned to face him.

"Are you alright?" He inquired, deep concern swimming in his eyes.

I was already in way too deep, too focused on chanting a play it cool, play it cool, mantra in my head.

He seemed to not be waiting for a response though, rather he straightened my robes gently, before looking me dead in the eyes and saying "Make sure you take care of yourself, ok?"

And just like that, he was gone.

But, as luck would have it, that was far from the last time I ran into the Gryffindor boy.

Although unsure of whether he noticed me at all, I began to notice him every time we crossed paths in the corridors on our way to our respective classes.

That was until he started to return my stare with a friendly smile; a smile that made my heart throb pathetically and my knees struggle to hold me up.

As the months progressed, he even began to strike up small conversations with me if neither of us were in a hurry.

"Hey, Chan!"

"Hi, Seungcheol."

"I like your sweater."

"My sweater? Oh... oh thank you! I love your glasses!"

How he knew my name, I never ended up figuring out - the thought of him knowing my name before he caught me at the start of this year wasn't even remotely plausible given how small my friend circle was.

Hell, I barely ever talked to anyone outside my own house, for my own irrational fear of judgement from others.

But by some work of magic, I felt the connection between us grow stronger and stronger until there was no way I could deny the intensity at which my feelings were for him.

He had begun to flirt with me so much so, that his friends would tease him about when he was going to make me his; to which he would simply respond with a bashful smile.

I felt as if I could burst.

What had started off as a silly little moment of fleeting infatuation, had turned into something far more sinister before my very eyes.

I was in love with him.

Which was perfectly healthy, normal and fine... if I had stayed in love with only him.

But that is where Yoon Jeonghan comes into the picture...



updates will be every friday from now on! and since it's currently 12:50am it's technically friday so i have to pander to certain demands lmao

hope y'all enjoy this story over the next amount of weeks <3

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