3: yoon jeonghan

188 19 16


Yoon Jeonghan, a seventh year Slytherin, was problem number two.

And he was absolutely gorgeous.

The weather was positively horrid, yet our captain had insisted we go ahead with our plan of versing the Slytherin team in a practice Quidditch match.

Though I tried every spell I could think of to aid me in spotting the golden snitch, my vision was still immensely hindered by the sheer force at which the rain fell, obscuring my vision 95% of the time we were playing.

It wasn't like I'd never played in wet weather before, but for some reason that day wasn't going to allow me to show my experience through my playing - I was a wreck.

In a last ditch attempt, I had spotted the snitch for the 14th time, and instead of hesitating due to my extremely poor line of sight, I decided the only thing I was going to focus on was the tiny, golden sphere flapping its desperate little wings.

All was finally going my way, the target almost in reach of the sopping wet glove that covered my outstretched palm.

And then I was body slammed violently off my broom.


Down, down, down.

Oh for Flamel's sake, was the only thought echoing through my head as I admitted my defeat.

But then I was... caught?

I could still feel the weight of gravity pulling me violently towards the ground, though my body no longer suffered the force alone. Instead, I was being held bridal style with the weight of another player's body cushioning mine slightly; I could hear him pant faintly at the weight of holding both me and himself upright in the air as we fell.

Just as I was sure we were both about to meet our demise, what should have been a bone shattering collision with the Quidditch pitch turned out to be a mere jolt, sending him backwards with me following on top of him.

And when I finally looked into the eyes of my rescuer and saw Slytherin's seeker Yoon Jeonghan staring directly at me, my stomach did several unintentional somersaults.

The world seemed to fall away, leaving only me and him in the dead center of the Quidditch pitch, and for the second time in my life, I got the strange sensation of being important to somebody, though I was awfully perplexed as to why I would be.

Jeonghan stared with such intensity it was hard to tell whether he was infatuated with me or planning my murder.

For some strange reason, it turned out to be the former, rather than the latter, for before I could thank him for catching me, he broke into a soft grin.

"I finally had an excuse to catch you, princess."

To describe the way that sentence felt, with him staring into my eyes so deeply, would be truly impossible.

So I didn't attempt to decipher it as my thoughts raced.

Not that I had much time to decipher it, as before I could process why his body began to shift slightly under mine, he had pulled me into a position that put me even more dangerously close to his face than I was before.

The look in his eyes sent me over the edge.

No exchange of words was needed, therefore an exchange of tongues occurred, the pouring rain sheltering us from the rest of the players high above.

Just as I began to gasp for air, I felt his hand slip something cold and solid into my free hand, and with one last chaste kiss he was back in the air before I could fully process anything.

Especially the fact that I had just spontaneously made out with Yoon Jeonghan, and moreover that he had seemingly wanted to make out with me.

I groped around, eventually finding my poor abandoned broom and shooting myself back into the wildness of the skies, holding the snitch proudly in my hand in a victory I knew wasn't mine.

I think it was safe to say when Jeonghan would ask in the future if I fancied a walk - only to pull me into the nearest broom closet - I wasn't one to complain.

And so, I fell in love with Slytherin's seeker.

But then, Hong Jisoo showed up.



i need to stop being so excited i update at midnight skdjkd

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