11: xu minghao

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Honestly, I should have seen Xu Minghao coming the second I bought that stupid owl in my fourth year.

If I were any good at Divination that is, which you'd be very safe in assuming I'm not.

The seventh year Ravenclaw had been seated next to me in Divination for the past three years, yet neither of us had barely spoken a word to each other.

Why is that? Honestly, I couldn't have told you the answer a few months ago, having been just as perplexed as to how my naturally friendly personality could possibly deter conversation for three years straight.

I had even asked around amongst my friend group to try and find out any information about the boy... was he shy, or did he hate me?

The only conclusion I could come up with was that I was somehow intimidating - something I couldn't understand nor believe but that was much more pleasant a thought than him possibly hating me.

As I trudged into the room for my first Divination class this year, I yet again saw that nothing had changed, and was prepared for my fourth year of dead silence.

Yet it turned out that everything would change, after my supposed companion utterly betrayed me.

What use is an owl if it randomly decides to turn on you?

Doljjong had given me three years of excellent service, never getting lost or delivering packages to the wrong person. I had become rather fond of her, and thought we had a rather good bond.

Until she decided to start acting up by sending all my parcels to the wrong person at breakfast.

The wrong person being - you guessed it - Xu Minghao.

My mom had made a habit of sending me honeycomb chocolates in my third year when she missed me too much, and since then it was an unspoken tradition that I would receive a small package of them every week.

Naturally, something felt very off when I walked down to breakfast one Monday morning and Doljjong had nothing to deliver to me. In fact, the stupid bird didn't even show.

I panicked, thinking something could have potentially happened to my mother and worried myself sick. That was, until one of my friends tapped me lightly on the shoulder and said "Doljjong... she's over at the Ravenclaw table..."

I whipped my head around in shock, so fast I just about gave myself whiplash. And he was right; Doljjong was standing with her leg extended out towards none other than a very confused Xu Minghao.

"For me? Are you sure?" I heard him inquire quietly, those words being some of the only words I'd ever heard him speak.

Ignoring the butterflies in my stomach at the sound of his voice, slightly low and smooth as silk, I scurried over to the Ravenclaw table, impatient to clear up the misunderstanding before things got awkward.

Unfortunately, a second year Ravenclaw decided to make things very awkward.

"I think they're from that Hufflepuff boy! He's running over now! Do you think he fancies you?"

Thankfully, only Minghao and I were able to hear that statement, as she spoke reservedly. But still, the sight of him turning around to see me directly behind him, red as a beetroot, made me want to jump off of the astronomy tower.

Though I explained that my stupid bird had delivered my mother's package to him instead of me, I swore I could see the ghost of a smirk on his lips. My stomach flipped at the first small display of emotion I was finally seeing on his usually expressionless face.

Doljjong decided to deliver my honeycomb chocolates to Minghao from then on, until it became routine for me to wait at the Ravenclaw table with him to grab them off her.

I gave up scolding the stupid bird.

And I discovered that Minghao never hated me, rather he liked me a little too much.

So when he quietly asked me one day after we stayed back in the Divination classroom alone, if my lips tasted like the honeycombs I always had on me...

Well I just had to show him, didn't I?

I began to enjoy Divination much more in the future.

Then I encountered Boo Seungkwan.



we're getting close to the end! aaa

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