12: boo seungkwan

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Boo Seungkwan really came by me through pure chance.

Rounding the corner, I had not expected for somebody to add to my already colorful robes - I had just come from Potions after all.


It took me a good couple of seconds to realize that amidst the decorative, soggy patches of a failed Wolfsbane potion that were covering my body in every way possible, several new splattered spots had joined the array.



Oh dear.

Unfortunately, the face that rounded the corner was not one of my friends at all, like I had initially (and rightfully, in my opinion) suspected.

Instead, I was face to face with seventh year Gryffindor Boo Seungkwan.

And my, was he cute.

While my facial expression may have faltered all too obviously from confused outrage to confused infatuation, it appeared that luck seemed to be on my side in that department at least. The poor boy was far too horrified - most likely out of embarrassment - to say a single word.


I assumed in that moment, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry and it caused my curiousity to spiral... who had he meant to prank?

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were one of my friends coming around the corner! I swear he was just coming out of his Ancient Runes class- I... I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I-"

"Shhh." I closed the awkward distance between us, putting one hand on his shoulder.

"Look at me, does it look like a little pumpkin juice really affected me?" I laughed a little before speaking again, "Honestly sweetheart, it's nothing I can't handle, although I bet your friend will be glad I received it and not him!"

The nickname slipped out so effortlessly at the adorable expression of utmost apology still etched on his face, that I only just realized what I'd said after his entire face flushed red - this time with a very different emotion from embarrassment.

Seeming to get lost in his thoughts for a second, he nodded absent-mindedly in response, before nodding to himself sternly as if coming to a decision.

"Are you free tonight? Can I make up for it by taking you for an apology drink at The Three Broomsticks? I know a passageway we can take so we won't get c- WAIT I'M SO SORRY, YOU PROBABLY DON'T WANT TO GET IN TROUBLE I'M-"

At that, I pulled him into a friendly (as possible, given how temptingly cute he was acting) hug; stopping his flustered babbling effectively, making careful maneuvers so as to not get his robes dirtied by mine.

"Tonight sounds perfect. Where are we meeting?"

After he told me, I reminded him I had to clean myself up before dinner and we parted ways with me sending him a wink and him blushing profusely.

When we met back later that night, lighting the corridors softly with a small candle in order to keep the portraits from dobbing us in, he had seemed to compose himself.

The journey through the passageway was... intimate to say the least, but as you'd probably expect from me by now - I certainly didn't mind the lack of space between our bodies.

Upon arriving at The Three Broomsticks, I was astounded to see that rather than immediately trying to report us to the Headmaster for being in Hogsmeade on a non-designated trip day, the bartenders greeted the boy beside me one by one, each with a gentle smile.

Something about the fact that he seemed to come here often enough for such greetings made me smile to myself. I mean, he wasn't a complete stranger to me - I had certainly seen him being the resident social butterfly.

It was almost impossible to keep up with who the Gryffindor boy was friends with, simply because everybody loved him, so everybody was friends with him to some extent. The only reason for my labeling him as a stranger was purely based on the fact that we had never interacted.

Now that we had however, now in this moment even more so, I realized I would probably now be considered as one of his many friends. The thought made me happy.

The night passed smoothly, both of us making comfortable conversation over mugs of fire whiskey.

Things however took an interesting turn when I noticed him becoming a little intoxicated, and I decided it was time to get us back to school.

Coaxing him up from his chair, I bid the bartenders goodnight and thanked them for letting us stay, draping Seungkwan's arms around my shoulders as I hoisted him onto my back.

Halfway through the passageway, he caught me off guard after I assumed he'd gone to sleep while I carried him.

I was pinned to one of the sides of the passageway before I could even register what was happening.

"There's no way I'm letting you go back to your dormitory like this."

His demeanor had changed entirely from who he was earlier; and whether his intoxication was to blame, I was unsure.

It's safe to say that as lips parted, tongues danced and hands roamed, we stayed out a little later than bedtime.

After I bid him goodnight at the top of the staircase, we never spoke since.

Though when I pass him in the corridors, he gives me and wink and I raise my eyebrows in return.

And maybe it's a good thing he didn't become frequent, else he may have found out about Chwe Hansol.



seungkwan 🤭

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