1; Nap

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  "ARGHHHH!!!" Your fingers tangled and wrapped around random strands of your hair as you glared at the bright screen. It lit your face up from the front, highlighting your furrowed eyebrows , your puffed out cheeks and your messy hair. And when i say messy, i mean messy. School was already tiring with the amount of homework given for each class and not to mention your co-curriculum activities in the dance studio. You've already finished your four years of that activity but your coach still wanted you to come over in practice to sharpen the juniors up. And boy, did they give you a heck of a headache. What's more to complain about, is this ridiculous excuse of a homework. 

Art was always your forte, you were good at noticing details and good at understanding how shadings and how everything works basically. Just thinking about how a certain item can look like and youll be able to draw it out as if it was actually there. However, you couldn't help  but curse at the subject for being nonsensical. 

"Design the school logo if it was merged with an amusement park." 

...What?  First offs, this question is totally ridiculous. Seconds, you don't understand why your classmates were competitive over this stupid assignment. They were practically against each other's foreheads declaring that they could design the best logo. You could give two fucks about it but you didn't want to. But, of course with the constant ringing of competition in your ears, you couldn't let some mere classmates outdo you in the only subject you're good at, can you? Now you sat at the table-for-one in a cafe. In front of you laid your computer and a sketchbook, pencils and eraser dusts scattered everywhere while a glass wall let sunlight shine through. You could gave out onto the road and the pathways for inspirations, hoping some kid would spark some ideas while you observe people walk by. 

But there was no luck in the past hour. Fingers gripping the tip of the pencil as the end laid in between your teeth while you bite the hell out of it, staring at the screen filled with pictures of amusement park logos. Your eyes switched from the paper to the screen occasionally, your mind bombarding with ideas on how to mix those two logos together. You felt exhausted, your brain probably ran out of juice and drinking coffee didnt help. Still biting the pencil, you grabbed your head in your hands, grunting silently at the mild headache you got. Noticing some loose strands of hair drooped down into your line of vision, you knew you were a mess but you could care less about how you look right now. 

Your eyelids felt heavy but you forced them open. If you fall asleep now, you'll lose all motivation and even get kicked out of the cafe for hogging the seat. Grumbling to yourself on how stupid this assignment was and how your ideas were useless and uninteresting, you head slipped from your hands and met with the wooden table surface with a loud BANG!

Well that surely grabbed attention. Your back shot straight up and found eyes staring at you all of a sudden. You turned around and muttered apologies to the people around you with responses like "Im okay."s. Turning back around, you stared at the paper with scribbles and cross marks around failed designs, eyes dull and ready to give up. Lying your head back onto the table, you groaned into the paper, stressed out with the pressure of wanting to do better than everyone else, your arms fallen limp down your sides.

"Will you stop that? You've been grumbling and groaning for more than an hour. Can't a guy study in peace?" a annoyed grumble sounded from the seat beside you. You ignored it thinking it wasn't directed to you, sighing on the paper seeing your shitty designs crossed out under your nose. Just then, a sharp end of something pricked your scalp, causing your head to jolt up. Glancing around in surprise with a hand rubbing on the now itchy spot on your head, you finally saw the person beside you. He cheek rested lazily in the palm of his hand while the other held a pen, its tip retracted outwards. His vermillion eyes stared blankly at you, his eyebrows furrowed while his lips pressed into a thin line. You stared at him back with a confused yet offended gaze, wondering why this stranger poked you on the head. 

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