7; Prolonged Eye Contact

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You chewed slightly on the end of your pen, as you stare at the extremely, unnecessary complicated diagram of an eye on the board. You squinted your eyes at the messy arrows shooting out to many different parts, labelling their names and their functions. You tilted your head as you narrowed your eyes at the diagram of the lens and the pupil of the eye, confused at whether the pupil was in front of the lens or behind. You cursed under your breath at the teacher's messy and untidy labelling, ruffling your hair in the process. Just then, you felt a poke on your arm and turned to look at the book that was shoved gently to your side of the table. Your eyes sparkled at the neatly drawn diagram, thanking the gods that you had a friend beside you own such a beautiful, clear diagram.

"Forget the teacher's drawing, we can share mine." He spoke which caused you to almost cry in happiness. He had no idea how much brain suffering he had saved you from.

You took his book in your hands and gawked, "Wow, I didn't know you could draw this well Thunder! Might as well join the Arts Club." You praised which caused him to look away and scratched his nape mumbling sheepishly, "I.. kinda traced it off the textbook." You laughed at his embarrassed figure and shook your head, copying down and clearing up the confusion on your notes, "Its fine, you just saved me a lot of thinking." You gave him a quick smile to the side before going back onto your notes, groaning at how much wrong information you wrote down.

Thunder shot you a small smile back as a 'you're-welcome' before resting his chin on his palm once more. His vermillion eyes giving your focused figure one last glance before jumping to the board.

"Everyone, pass down the flashlight, each person would have one each. I want you to note down what happens to the pupil in your friend's eyes and write down a possible explanation for its actions." The teacher's ululating voice rebounded through the classroom walls as he spoke. The class's first rows started scuffling with the basket of flashlights, passing them back with every row of two taking two flashlights. You thanked Thunder without sparing him a glance as he took one for you and let you copy his notes before passing the basket behind. You grabbed the flashlight and put your notes away, turning to a new page for noting down your observations.

You taped Thunder's shoulders and shone the light into your own eyes, squinting at the sudden bright light while laughing, "So, what do you see?"

You heard Thunder scoff and felt his finger push your wrist to the side sending you a raised eyebrow, "I can't see anything with your hands blocking the way." You laughed an apology before fixing your clothes and pulling the sleeves of your hoodie up to your elbow, "Okayy, you do it on me and write down what you see, and then I'll copy. How does that sound?"

You tried to bargain with your seatmate sending him a convincing smile. He only stared blankly and shook his head, bringing his fingers to your forehead and gave you a flick. His lips curved into a slight smirk as he gave you a smug gaze.

"Nice try. You're already lagging behind, the least you could do is figure out for yourself." You scowled at his grin as he twirled the flashlight in his hands. You groaned and turned away to sulk, "Fine. But you do it first so I can check my answers."

"Deal." Thunder agreed, thinking a small task and experiments like this could take his mind off the unimportant thoughts rummaging through his brain.

But boy, was he wrong.

You leaned in and scooted your chair closer for him to easily flash the light into your eyes. You chuckled at how he would occasionally ask whether your eyes hurt from the light which you brushed it off with a wave of a hand.

Thunder expected this easy task to be well, easy. He knew all the reason to why pupils shrink at bright light and dilate in dim light.

However, your focused gaze of his visage was making it extremely hard to think straight. He shone the light into your eyes, watching as your pupils shrink. He had picked up his pen but got distracted at how surprised he was to find out that your e/c-eyes were glowing a brighter color. Your gaze on him was enchanting and he felt lost, not knowing what to do. He could hear the thumping in his chest, he wanted to look away but he couldn't and he didn't want you to get the slightest hint that he was feeling reticent.

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