4; Keep it down!

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A vein popped out from the male's forehead as he tried his hardest to keep his eyes focused on the board. Blood red eyes boringly stared intensely at the board that their math teacher, Teacher Papa, was writing on, he ignored the stinging numbness of his fingers as his nails dug into his skin. Any longer and the board could've melted. The two best friends have done nothing but chatter and whispered to each other in hushed tones, giggling and laughing under their breaths.

In the past twenty minutes, the wind elemental had accidentally let out a snort which caused both the said male and his female friend to get a warning from Teacher Papa. Thunderstorm swallowed the urge to turn around and slice his brother's table with his lightning blade but did not want to risk hitting his female companion.

He never had a problem with being in the same class as you but sharing the same class as his cheerful, chatterbox of a brother?

He'd rather chug down cement.

He grabbed a pen from the black pencil case that laid at the corner of his table, writing down a few pointers that was written on the board. He internally complained to himself as he wrote down the newest assignment assigned to them, a break is all I ask for. After exhausting fights at TAPOPS, I thought i could relax but no, more homework. Thunder silently sighed, bowing his head downwards, hiding his face underneath his coal black cap and closed his eyes.

He heard murmurs in front of him as he did so, feeling bored and unsettled by the amount of eyes staring at him. The lighting elemental caught the faint whispers of "Handsome," and dreamy sighs suffocating him. He cursed under his breath, opening his half lidded eyes tiredly. Why admire him for doing such a small, simple thing? Annoyance pricking at his skin.

He scanned the paper with the assignment details printed on them with his captivating vermilion eyes, twirling his pen in between his fingers like he did most of the time. Until an another burst of hushed giggled erupted form behind him made his eyes freeze in the middle of reading.

The pen in his fingers halted in its movements as he gripped it in his fist. What are they giggling about now?! Thunder felt his teeth grit against each other, turning his head to the side by a inch , his pupils glaring at the corner of his eyes. Hearing nothing from the back seat after a while, he turned back to the front until another set of hushed whispers and scattering papers broke out once again. Thunder felt his nails claw into the table's surface before snapping his torso back to face the two students.

He caught their mischief-filled eyes shoot straight at him in surprise, their mouths hung open, surprise ceased their conversation. Thunder's red eyes moved to lock with Taufan's blue orbs, watching him squirm and glance away before glancing back with an awkward smile. Those serious red eyes slowly jumped to yours, locking with you e/c orbs warming them up with his intense stare.

You felt goosebumps running through your skin like waves as his stare melted a hole in your face. You raised a hand at him and waved shortly, "Hi Thunder."

Said male moved his eyes between you and the blue male at your side before straightening his posture, eyebrows furrowed. "What is so important that you have to chatter like a bunch of cicadas?" He spat at his brother, interrogating him for an answer.

Taufan trembled under his gaze, knowing his older brother was infuriated and that he did the one thing the seven brothers had agreed not to do. That is pissing Thunder off. Sure the trio had their fun and punishment for purposely pissing him off but it was all in good fun but to actually piss him off? Even Gempa said he could barely calm Thunderstorm down if he's mad pissed.

Taufan raised his hands up instinctively, stumbling over his words trying to find the best way to explain himself without giving away the plan the two of you were discussing, "U-Uh...We were just..uhh," His cerulean eyes jumped everywhere in the classroom looking for an excuse until his blue orbs landed on the board up front.

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