2; Cookie planning!

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The two girls winced as their hands tangled up into a knot with one another's hair. They tried to stifle their yelps and giggles but it was a miserable attempt. It hurt like hell but it was hilarious about how it happened. Class was boring, half the class had their chins on the table or resting in their palms while the other half just didn't care about the lesson and his their phones behind books or under the table to use them. Who listens to Study Of Visual Arts anyway?

(i don't 😭 i don't pay attention much to that lesson thank god school ended)

"Bro why is your hair so s-shi-shitty?" your friend, Makeyla chuckled in between her breaths, her fingers grazing yours occasionally as you both try to pry your tangled hair knot away. You shut your eyes at the pain of pulling at your scalp but managed to silently laugh out, "It's your hair that's shitty that's why it tangled up in the first place!" you whispered shouted with a huge grin plastered on your face. Just then, the door opened up to reveal the sky blue cap that you see everyday.

Taufan? You pondered while still going at your hair, eyes glued to the waving figure at the door. Everyone's attention snapped to the door when it fully opened to reveal a whole cluster of students by it. Confused murmurs and whispered filled the classroom and you were sure the teacher has finally realised that no one was listening to her lesson. She sighed and folded her arms, gesturing to the students at the door with her head. Her sigh caught everyone's attention, even making you and Makeyla stop fumbling with the knot.

"I've said it before but i'll say it again since no one was listening. For this new assignment, you'll be working with the Cookery classes to include into their baking with a bit of art magic. Be it decorating a cake or creatively dipping croissants in different types of chocolates, whatever you want. Me and the Cookery Head just want both our classes to learn different skills from this assignment." She paused and her eyes glanced and scanned around her class, addressing the art students seated, "You will have an additional assignment on top of helping the Cookery students bake. You have to do a detailed still-life sketch of whatever you've baked."

Her back straightened as she said it with a proud smile on her lips while the class groaned in retaliation. Makeyla was so pissed off from another ridiculous assignment, her eyes widened and she flailed her hands around you and grabbed your shoulders with a monster grip, "Whats WITH this teacher and these ridiculous tasks?!" The hair knotted between you two long forgotten as you both complained about the new homework until your hair snapped, breaking the knot forcefully.


Your cries echoed through the class and out the door too, gathering the eyes of everyone, even those outside the classroom. You teacher raised and eyebrow at the two of you and brushed it off when you chuckled apologetically. The teacher's eyes jumped back to the poor Cookery students that stood outside. She gestured them to enter and take a seat in her class so she could go through the instructions one more time which was no surprise to the Art Students. She really did love to repeat her instructions at least five times in one lesson.

You cleaned up the mess you made while trying to tear your hair apart a few moments ago before a warm hand grabbed your shoulder. You heard a chair skid behind your seat and turned to see the cheerful smile of your best friend, grinning excitedly. "Hi Y/n! Hi Makeyla! Isn't this great? Y/n, do you wanna partner with me if we get to choose?" He asked with a excited glint sparkling in his chartreuse eyes. You hummed and looked over to Makeyla to see if she was fine with the choice of her partnering Taufan. She nodded and pointed a thumb at the group of cookery girls at the front, "It's fine, i can join my sisters."

Knowing she wasn't bothered by the decision, you prompted yourself up from your seat and reached over to the boy behind you. You reached for his cap and pushed the front down to his nose with a laugh, earning a groan and a muttered something about 'hey- don't touch my cap like that man'. He corrected his cap back and pushed his fringe away to look at you directly, taking the cap action you did as an yes.
"That's great! What do you wanna make if we get to partner up with each other?"

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