8; Bewitching

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His fingers caressed the soft corolla of the red rose, softly brushing his thumb across one of them. He let out a soft sigh as he tilted the rose to look at it properly. He had never put down the flower his brother gave him ever since lunch, walking back to his class alone with his mind filled with questions and contemplation. He recalled back to what the earth elemental pushed him to do, and felt his hands tremble at the thought of him being so.. straight forward. With his black and red hoodie, his cap slightly tilted forward and a hand stuffed into his pocket, those who walked past would gawk at how smoking cool he looked.

What people didn't know was that under that overlooking cap shadow was panic-stricken eyes blinking his way out of his rummaging thoughts. He felt his legs wobble at the scenario playing in his brain, shaking his head with a hint of shame on his cheeks, there was no way he could ever pull that off. His eyes were unfocused and shot from one ground tile to the other, trying to ignore the heat flaring up his neck.

He shut his eyes, keeping his cool as he walked. He felt lightheaded, he wondered if he was swaying. This school was not big and it was not small; foliages filled the hallways, blessing the classrooms with views of greenery. There was a 50/50 chance that you would  take the other direction to the cafeteria for your lunch.

Realization suddenly hit him like a brick, his jaw dropped in slight embarrassment at how he had sort of memorized your school schedule unintentionally. Fighting down the red hue on his cheeks, he wondered if feeling ashamed but proud at his memorization was normal when you like someone.

He sighed heavily at his panicked inner conscious, picturing tiny Thunder in his head pacing back and forth, holding a script of what to say if you did bump into him in this state. He heard tiny Thunder murmur to himself, "If she comes and asks 'what is that in your hand?' you say, 'its for you, princess.'"

Tiny script Thunder shook himself and let out a scream, "I cant say that! That's too obvious!" As little Thunder went over his script over and over again about how his expression should look if he encounters you, another Thunderstorm in the corner of his mind questioned himself as he sat hugging his knees, rocking back and forth, "What would you think when you see him holding a rose? With this blushing state, there's no way she wouldn't crack open our secret!" He rambled on and on which spread the inner panic he was holding in through his body.

Listening to his nervous Thunderstorm, the lightning elemental himself felt dizzy. Tiny Thunder had a point; with his face heating up like a filament of an electric bulb, it was clear enough to anyone about how he was smitten over you.
Wait.. isn't it good for you to know? Why was he even hiding it?  Wasnt the purpose of this whole idea was to hint to her?

His steps staggered at the sudden challenge of thoughts, the soles of his feet skidding against the ground with a screech. Red eyes widened at the sudden jerk as he shot out his hand from his pocket to grab the nearest wall for support. Regaining his balance, he shut his eyes and let out a relieved breath, before opening his eyes to check on the flower. He felt his feet ache and his arms awfully heavy and he pondered once more, was this what he parents went through before they got married? This is like torture, the lighting elemental exaggerated. Only did he realize a hand was sprawled out in front of him as if in a protective manner. His vermillion eyes shot up to met a worried e/c gaze and an amused smile.

Your voice leaked with a mix of concern and stifled laughter as you began to question his stumbling form, "Woah there, you feeling okay? You seem like you were gonna fall over. I've got some medicine for headaches if you want." You nodded to your bag back in class only to see the boy in front of you freeze and shake his head after a while.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. What do I do?

You shrugged at his answer, studying his form with narrowed eyes. thunder seemed okay, maybe he was just thirsty of got something on his mind. You didn't want to protrude into his business and gave him a small smile, "Suit yourself." You glanced at his hand gripping the wall, slightly laughing at what bothered the cool, popular guy enough to make him stumble over his own feet.

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