6; Sigh, he knows.

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He bleated under his breath, he could almost taste his boredness of school leaking out his eyes. His eyelids felt unbelievably heavy as the male took off his cap while inhaling through his nose, completely done with the day. All he wanted was to go back home, sip some of Tok Aba's iced chocolate and bury his face deep in his pillow, hoping his discomfort would magically disappear.

He reached for his hair, aggressively running his fingers through his hair front and back in exasperation, his now brown tousled hair sticking out in all directions. A white streak of hair stuck out upwards particularly, gaining giggles from those who remained in class. He send a glare across at them, freezing them in their tracks. He was annoyed at his malaise as he rolled his eyes, frustrated that not only did it cause him numerous sleepless nights but also because he didn't know what was disturbing him.

He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, grabbing his thin scattered books on his table and clamping them in his hands, the hardcover of the books resting on the inner side of his forearms. He thanked the school internally for assigning his locker right in front of his classroom, his fingers grazing across the metallic surface. He tossed his books gently into the gray metal surface, reaching inside to grab his wallet only to be met with an empty space. Slightly alarmed, he shoved his head into his locker, eyes wincing as they adjusted to the dim lighting. He scanned the area behind the stack of books only to find them clean and ample.

He pulled his head out, scratching the side of his head wondering where he put it. Until a sudden pang of realization hit him in the head, his expression freezing at his own carelessness. The boy tossed in his black cap into his locker, not in the mood to wear it for the whole day while he facepalmed himself, walking back to his class. He knelt down so that his eye level to meet with the side opening of his under-desk.

He spotted the familiar red flat, pocketbook and reached for it, calming down as he held it in his grasp. He stood up and dusted his knees, his vermilion eyes slightly widening as he saw a certain h/c figure stumbling across the hall. He observed your staggering form as you tried to balance a stack of books in your frail, shaky arms. Sweatdropping at your constant head shakes to people who stopped by to help, he couldn't help but gaze softly at your stubborn self.

Thunder shoved his wallet in his right pocket, walking out to meet you. You cursed at the heavy stack of books, grumbling at how uncomfortable and absurdly heavy it was. It was ridiculous for you English teacher to just dump these massive load of workbooks just so you could help her put it in her pigeon-hole. Couldn't she ask another student to help you, at least?!

You felt the sweat drip down your cheek while another creaked its way down to the crack of your lips. Instinctively, your tongue licked the unfamiliar wetness which made you grimace and shiver at its salty taste. A heavy sigh escaped your lips, feeling your numb arms give way.

When you felt the burdensome weight gone from your arms, you dropped them almost right away, a satisfied moan breaking out of your exhausted form, your shoulders slouching extensively. With a relieved expression, your eyes closed with a giddy smile, a yellow flowery background sparkled surrounding you.

Your little calm celebratory session ended when a chuckle broke you out of it. Your eyes cracked open in surprise to finally come to your senses to how the unbearable weight of books were magically gone.

Crimson orbs peered at you from the tilt of his head, noticing the single eyebrow raised, "You seem awfully relieved for someone who didn't want help carrying these." You stared at him mouth agape, slightly amazed at how he could carry all that without a flash of discomfort. "And I thought you were a strong girl," You frowned at his playful scoff, catching a smug smirk lying on those lips of him.

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