Chapter 4

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After handing in my article a few hours ago I finally have a few days off. I have another article due just after Christmas but I have plenty of time to get that done. And I will definitely regret that mindset once that deadline is just mere hours away.

Usually after finishing an article I stay in and have a movie night by myself or with one of my friends. Staying in my hotel room all evening while visiting a new place feels like a shame. Even though I got all the snacks for a great movie night today, I still have all week to enjoy them. I got dressed in high wasted trousers and a new Zara top and walked the few streets to the pub. It's time to treat myself to a nice glass of wine and read a few chapters of the novel I brought with me.

I barely saw anyone out on the street and there's only a handful of people in the pub. I've never seen a Friday night in the city being this quiet. When I walked in I noticed Camden sitting at the bar but I didn't feel like we know each other well enough to go say hi. Besides, he's sitting with another guy and I don't want to disturb them. Instead I ordered my wine at the bar and sat down at a small table in front of the window.

"Hi there, you must be new in town."

"Is it that obvious?" I laugh softly.

"Well, after two decades I know everyone who lives here and I don't know you yet."

"Nice to meet you then. I'm Noa."

"Rowan and the pleasure is all mine."

I quickly take the guy in. Bleached hair made to stand straight up, a soft sweet smile. He has an easy going attitude, like he never has a care in the world and always finds a reason to smile. "So what brings you here?"

"I just needed a break from the city. A break from everything really."

"Wow, that sounds deep. It's definitely the opposite from the big city here. Mind if I join you for a bit?" I tell him sure and he sits down. In the city people often keep to themselves, not joining strangers at the pub. One of my favourite things about going new places by myself is meeting new people. It's funny how easy it is for me to get whole stories out of strangers when I'm writing an article.

"Let me guess, English teacher?"

"Nope, but I see why you'd think that. You're close actually, I'm a journalist."

"Wow, that's great. Writing anything good?"

"Just finished an article today, but I have to write one soon about Christmas in this town."

"Damn, we have to step up our game then I guess. So are you staying at the Stars Hollow?"

"I am, I'm still amazed by the name though."

"Marcie is quite something. She got the name from her favourite tv show and made it the whole theme of the place."

"That's next level dedication."

"I know right? Camden spent months fixing the place up. Have you met Camden? He was here earlier."

"I have, Marcie had him show me around town."

"You know what, that doesn't surprise me. Marcie has always been able to get him to do whatever she wants. Have you already been hiking?"

"With this snow? I'd rather not fall to death from a cliff."

"It's not that bad. And at night you have the best view from on top of the mountain. No lights, just stars. You should have Camden take you, he knows every single path around those mountains."

"I'll consider it when I find the adventurous part of me."

"So, not the adventurous one, huh? You strike me as someone who needs some excitement though."

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