Chapter 13

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I worry about Aydin will get too attached to Noa but I'll just have to trust that everything will work out between us. I'll make sure it will. Not jus for Aydin's sake but for mine as well.

New Year's eve isn't huge in this town. Some people will light some firework but most people either spend it with family or go for drinks at the bar.

This year Marcie decided to organise a party at the hotel as well and she insisted that me and Aydin would come. She set up the spare room for him with a video monitor and everything.

She invited a few friends and all the guests staying in the hotel. A nice crowd of people has come together in the redecorated dining room.

"Hey man! Good to see you made it."

Rowan bumps his shoulder against mine. His hair is longer than it usually is. He's wearing a button-down with one too many buttons undone. He looks like he is on a mission tonight.

"Yeah, I just hope Aydin sleeps through all the noise."

"Otherwise he can keep uncle Rowan company. I can use a wingman."

"You've been drinking and you will not use my son to get laid."

"You're no fun. But the rumour mill tells me you're dating someone, so I guess everything is good between you and Noa?"

"It is. I told her I want to keep seeing her."

"Finally! I thought I had to make another move on her to get you two together."

"What do you mean, another?"

"That night in the bar? I could see she would be your girl. She has a fiery energy about her which I knew you'd need."

"Always so meddlesome."

"You can thank me later." He looks at something over my shoulder. "Damn."

I turn around to see Noa walking down the stairs in a skin-tight blue dress. The fabric stops halfway down her thighs. She's wearing heels making her legs look impossible long. And so sexy. Her hair falls straight to her shoulders. Eyes sparkling even more than usually. Fucking hell. Is this the same woman who built a blanket fort and coloured with me and Aydin? Memories from this morning pop back into my head. The sounds she made, the way she tasted. My dick is demanding an encore. I try to adjust my dick without it being too obvious. What this woman does to be is unreal.

And just like that she's in front of me. "You shaved!" I feel the skin of my jaw. It was covered by a beard until an hour ago but it felt time to get rid of it again.

My original plan was to shave before Christmas just as Marcie asked but with everything going on with Aydin shaving was the last thing on my mind.

She moves closer to say something in my ear. "You may look even hotter without."

"What did I tell you about actions having consequences?"

"In case you didn't notice, I really enjoyed the consequences last time."

The next hour I spend with Noa at my side, my arm wrapped around her. Rowan brings us each a glass of champagne but I don't take mine.

"Come on little brother. Enjoy tonight. I will keep an eye on Aydin and he can stay with me tonight. It's just one drink."

I didn't want to drink since I still have Aydin to take care of. But if Marcie has Aydin, maybe it's okay to have just one drink. I take the glass and take a small sip. I don't even like bubbly drinks.

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