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"Christian." You whimper his name softly. Christians hands slowly lowered to your jeans. He continued placing kisses on your neck.

"Let's go to bedroom?" Christian says.

"Let's stay here. There's more room." You say looking around into the living room. "The kitchens there to...just in case." You say giving him a wink. Christian laughs at you. He knows what you were implying.

"You're funny." Christian says

Christian continues unbuttoning your pants. Finally your black lace underwear comes into view. Christian smiles, giving a flick to the small bow that rests in the middle.

"Lay down for me." Christian says softly.

Following his orders, you lay down on the soft couch. You stare at Christian who is now towering above you. Christian kisses you once again. This time the kiss is more passionate.

Christian's tongue plays with your lips, begging to explore your mouth. You let him. Being devoured by your emotions, you begin petting Christian over his clothes. He lets out a soft moan.

    Christian's lips leave yours, but only to begin kissing your neck. He places kisses until he slowly but surely reaches the hem of your underwear. As Christian slowly pulls your underwear, he places kisses to the skin being exposed. You lift yourself up, letting Christian remove your underwear.

   Grabbing both of your thighs Christian pulls you closer to the edge of the couch. This makes you giggle. Slowly Christian pushes your legs apart, exposing your flower. (The punani 😏)

"So beautiful." Christian says smiling

    Christian begins placing kisses in your inner thighs. Slowly getting closer to your core. Finally Christian plants his first kiss on your core. You let out a soft gasp.  Christian places a few more kisses, slowly starting to drag his tongue on your core.

Christian begins to suck on your folds. Finally you moan. Christian continues. You place your hands on Christian head, slowly grabbing locks of hair, hoping to guide him. Your legs rest on Christian's shoulders.

Christians 🍆is pounding against your walls.

"Fuck! Christian!" You moan loudly.

Christian picks up his pace. Fingers digging into your flesh. With every thrust, you moan out loudly.

"I'm close." Christian says to you, breathing heavily.

Christian begins slamming into you, causing you to moan out in pain/pleasure.

   Right before Christian could release, there was a knock on the door. You told Christian to just keep going, but it wasn't long till the person knocking, continued knocking. Trying your best to ignore the knocking, the continuation of it, annoyed you. Finally you told Christian to stop for a moment. You put on your robe and head towards the door.  Looking through the peep hole you saw who it was.

Diego.  And Kevin behind him of course.

There was a smiling on Diego's face.

"Diego lets go home. She's busy." Kevin says with an irritated tone.

"She didn't sound busy to me." Diego says winking to Kevin.

Finally you open the door.

"Hey Y/N!" Diego says pushing his way past you, into your apartment.

"Sounded like you were having a party and I wanted to see if I could join!" Diego says placing his hands on his hips. Smiling at you he turns around to look at the couch. There was Christian.

"Wow. I didn't believe Y/N at first but seeing you here now... I'm a huge fan!" Diego says to Christian, who sits awkwardly on the couch. He gives Diego a short smile.

"Get out!" You say to Diego.

"Am I interrupting?? Diego asks. Playing dumb of course.

"Yes!" "No." You and Christian say at the same time.

Next thing you know Christian is putting his shirt on. He had already managed to put his other clothes on.

"I was actually leaving." Christian says getting his stuff.

"Really! Damn man, I was really looking forward to talking to you." Diego says to Christian.

"Maybe next." Christian says smiling. Finally getting all his stuff, Christian comes up and places a kiss on your head.

"I'll call you okay?" Christian says. He gives you a slow kiss, making sure everyone saw, and with that he's gone.

You look over to Kevin with a straight face. Kevin just shrugs his shoulders and lifts his hands in surrender.
You now look over to Diego, who is now sitting in the couch you were once having sex on. Placing his legs on the table that stands in the center. Angrily, you rush over to Diego. You kick his feet off of the table.

"Ouch! What the heck!" He says looking at you with crossed eyebrows.

"GET OUT." You say, trying to pull Diego off the couch.

El chico del apartamento 512Where stories live. Discover now