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It's a pretty long chapter YALL!!! Eat this shit up 😍

One week later....

It was Thursday, the day before you were all going camping. Your father asked if you wanted to spend the night at the house so you could all leave together in the morning. He told you to ask Kev and D if they wanted to come. They did.
     You hadn't see Kevin in a while, but you did text each other. Diego on the other hand, you saw him every other day. Whether it was just in the hall or you were both hanging out. In fact you and Diego had had another date on Wednesday. You went to the movies and after you hit up the arcade.
   You and Diego grew closer, and somehow managed to change each other. Diego would still tease and joke around but it wasn't as often. He was kinder, funnier and somehow he even became sexier.

"You wanna help me grill?" Your dad says looking at you. You were sitting on one of the barstools beside the kitchen island. You were patiently waiting for Diego and Kevin to show up since you all had stuff to do before.

"Yeah!" You say getting up quickly. You walk over to your dad. He hands you a bowl with carne inside. It was already marinated. He also hands you a bowl with chicken legs in it.

"The grill is already on. Let me clean these nopales and then I'll go outside with you."  You dad says smiling.

You open the big sliding down to the backyard. The grill had low flames coming out from it. You setup all your stuff near and begin grilling.  You turn on the built in speaker you have outside. Chente started playing. El Último Beso began to play. You stand there waiting for the meat to cook.

"Si me hubieras dicho que era aquel nuestro último beso. Todavía estaría besándote!!" You sing passionately.

Waiting for the meat to cook, you head back to the kitchen to get some horchata your dad made. You look to the sliding door, you dad was standing, looking at you. You stop. Your dad had tears in his eyes.

"Papá...What's wrong??" You say rushing over suddenly. You began to worry.

You put your hand on his arm. Checking if something had happened to him.

"Papi what's wrong??" You say looking at him.

Your father pulls you into a big hug.

"Ahí mijita...." You father says hugging you tightly.

"Que pasó papá?" You say, pulling away slowly.

"That was your mother's favorite song....and you....you sounded just like her. Just now when you sang... I really thought she was here....again." Your father says breaking down towards the end.

"Ahi papá." Your voice cracks. Tears begin to flow out of your eyes. You hug your father once again. You hold each other tightly. Un millón de primaveras began to play. You cry into your father's shoulder.

"I can only imagine how you feel papá...losing the person you loved the most." You saying, wiping your tears away.

"It'll never compare to my children losing there mother...and my future grandkids not having an abuela." Your father says wiping his own tears. Your father continues to cry.

"Ya papi... ya no llores. Me vas hacer llorar otra vez." You say holding back tears.

You hadn't noticed it but, Jorge had finally arrived to the house. He was walking into the kitchen, when he saw you guys outside. He rushed over.

"Qué pasó??" He says with widen eyes. He was worried something had happened. You look over to your brother. You gave Jorge a look, and that was all it took for him to know what was going on. He immediately hugged you and your father. Jorge being your older brother, always tried his best never to cry, he wanted to be strong for you, for your father, but even now he couldn't hold back the tears that filled his eyes.

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