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Diego looks at you. He smiles.

"What will you do?" He says. You scrunch your nose at him.

You stay quiet. Diego leans in, he places a kiss on your cheek. You smile to Diego. After a bit of time, you and Diego finish the sandwiches he had made you guys. The sun had started setting. The sky was a beautiful pink orange.

"Come." Diego says, giving you his hand. Diego pulled you up. You both walk to the lake. Diego shows off a loaf of bread.

"Boom!" He says showing it to you. You give him a half smile.

"What?? You don't wanna feed the ducks??" He says lifting his brows at you.

You shake your head. "I do." You say grabbing a piece of bread from the bag. You began to throw small pieces of bread into the lake. Slowly, but surely, the ducks started swimming there way to the shore. They began to eat. You and Diego talked while you continued feeding the ducks.

"My mom wants to see you." He says looking at you. You take your eyes off the lake, you look over to Diego. He had a sincere expression on his face. "And Kevin to. It's been too long since she last saw you guys." Diego says, throwing bread into the water. The last time you saw Diego's mom was at your mothers funeral. They were best friends.

"Yeah...we should go visit soon." You say with a saddened tone. You give Diego a short smile. He walks up to you. He wraps his arms around you tightly, bringing you into a warm embrace. You hug Diego tightly. He places a kiss on your forehead.

"Let's go get some ice cream." Diego says, finally breaking the comfortable silence. You walk back to the blankets. You quickly pick up your area, making sure to leave everything clean. You load everything back into the car. Diego opens your door, helping you get in.

You're passing down the streets of the city. It was beautiful as always. You turn around to look at Diego. Unfortunately he couldn't look at you, but he felt your eyes on him.

"What?" He says smiling. He continues driving.

"Is this our first date, Lainez??" You ask smiling.

Diego smiles. His tongue pokes the inside of his cheek. He tries playing it cool, but you could see he was slightly blushing.

"Yeah." He says, trying to avoid your eyes.

Diego leads you into the small ice cream shop. You order a strawberry ice cream and Diego orders a chocolate ice cream. After ordering you walk out of the shop. Diego and you walk around the little plaza. There was a water fountain in the middle. You pull out a quarter from your purse. You close your eyes, you quickly make a wish, then you throw your coin into the fountain. You quickly take another out and throw it in.

"What did you wish for??" Diego asks, eating his ice cream.

"If I tell you, it won't come true." You say smiling.

"You made two wishes, tell me one." Diego says.

You pause. You look at Diego. Your eyes get watery.
"I wanna see my mom again." You say forcing a smile. It had only been 3 years since your mother passed, but it feels like you were just laughing with her yesterday. Getting pampered up with her, just to arrive home and be called the most beautiful women in the world by your father.

"It's next month, you know." You say looking up to Diego. He walks up to you. Diego begins to wipe the tears off your eyes. He uses a napkin to dab them off.

"I know it's hard Y/N. I won't stand here and tell you everything happens for a reason, because that shit is bullshit. She meant a lot to me to. I can assure you we will see her again. Until then, we'll have to wait patiently." Diego says pulling you in. You slowly pull away, giving Diego a little smile.

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